First of all I want to thank the developers for their tremendous work to offer us this OS. I just want to add a few steps to the installation documentation. I’m not used to install OS on phones so I struggle a little bit to do it and this points seems not clear to me :
Install a custom recovery using point 6
It was impossible for me to boot into recovery unless I stop the phone by removing the battery and reboot pushing volume down and power all together. Then answering two times yes to the questions. And here we are TWRP is running.
Install /e/ from custom recovery point 8
I had an error 7 due to encryption, I had to use magisk to delete this encryption. You can find a lot of tutorials about twrp errors and magisk.
Now I’m beginning to use my phone with /e/.
So I will see if everything is fine but at this point it seems so.
Again thanks to the developers.
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