Hello I read that it’s no longer possible to flash an alt OS onto the LG G5 model h830 since earlier this year (March 2024) Google stopped supporting legacy support for it. Is this accurate and prevents LG G5 from getting the /e/ OS now??
Some “Legacy” devices, are still supported, but no longer maintained… no newer version than
A7 based Nougat → 0.21-n (2021 end)
A8 based Oreo → 0.21-o (2021 end)
A9 based Pie → 0.23-p (2022 begining)
A10 based Q → 1.17-q (2023 december)
A11 based R → 2.3-r (2024 august)
A12 based S → yet still maintained
A13 based T → yet still maintained
A14 based U → coming soon
Haha well in that case, please do kindly share your knowledge so I can finally enjoy /e/ on my lG G5 h830 running Android 7 (nouget), or my other running Android 8 : )
My goal is to get one to run on Lineage OS and one on /e/.
Over in the Lineage forum they told me something happened back in March 2024 to the LG G5 that makes maintaining it nearly impossible (but there are a couple highly knowledgeable individuals valiantly trying to fix the problem now).
Is the case different here at /e/?
Can a LG G5 running Android 8 flash /e/?
Did /e/ developers find a way to continue maintaining new software and security updates for the LG G5 (h830 model)?
Lineage Android Distribution discontinued support for LOS 21.0 (U = Upside Down Cake, A14 ) in March 2024. /e/OS continues to run with the uncomplicated /e/OS-T (T = Tiramisu, A13). Thank you /e/
The LG G5 h830 is an excellent oldie with removable battery, but it is not used that much anymore, so you have to install it yourself and try out what works or not.
However, it can be assumed that what did not work with LineageOS will not work with /e/OS-T, as all LG devices supported by /e/ do not have their own maintainer.
Share your experience with the community.
A CustomROM like /e/OS-T can only be installed if the bootloader has been unlocked by 12/31/2021 at the latest. LG has shut down its developer website and therefore no unlock code is available anymore.
And yes @CodexAG, the basis for installing /e/OS-T (A13) is LG Stock Android 7.0 Nougat, believe it or not! It won’t get you anywhere if several threads are opened on this topic, like here…