LG V30 (joan) - Community Devs

II am new to e/OS and I came across the Community development of the LG V30 (joan) on Android 14 with version e-2.7-u and are there people who tried it already who could share their experience with that rom?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

The experiences of others do not replace the experiences you have made yourself. Form your own opinion. Install it, try all the features, and - share your experience with us.

Android 14
e-2.7-u-20250110460593-community-joan.zip [MD5 | SHA256]
recovery-e-2.7-u-20250110460593-community-joan.img [SHA256]

/e/OS documentation Install /e/OS on a LG V30 (Unlocked) - “joan”

lineage-21.0-20250107-microG-joan [ Official signed ]
++ LineageOS with built-in microG + F-Droid App Store - but without Google Apps add-on

Who are you to tell me what question I should ask?
If you dont like my question, just move on.

In case you are very keen on the great Audio/DAC of the V30… this will be gone, on any custom ROM. LG did some very unique things to bypass standard Android Audio.