Lists of maps to alternative

Hello! I installed e/OS only for few days on my second phone and it’s impressive!!
To be honest there is only one thing that stops me to install it on my main phone and use it for every day:
I’ve used a lot the lists in google maps (places visited, places to visits, etc).
I would like to have an alternative.
I can download the lists from Google, it is a .csv file with the name of the places and the link to google maps. Is there any alternative maps able to import it and handle different lists?
I think I could write a script to convert the places in coordinates, but again, I would need an apple able to import a list of places as coordinates

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can you post like the header line +2 example lines how that csv looks like? does gmaps also offer kml, gpx or geojson export? that’d be easier I think.

OrganicMaps has nice bookmarking / route import features, it can handle kml and gpx formats.

MagicEarth/Maps can do kml and gpx too, but you’ll need to reach to scripting to extract them again last I checked, organicmaps is easier there.

Edit: there’s also a hot thread for bookmark-folder sync at Organicmaps, looking forward to this as it will automate the file shuffling - Bookmark synchronization/online backup · Issue #622 · organicmaps/organicmaps · GitHub

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You can also just install Google maps and log in should you want that (no that I would want that). I do use G Maps on my /e/ device though, because nothing beats it. Just not logged in, since I canceled my G account

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@tcecyk Thanks, OrganicMaps seems what I need! The .csv file at the moment looks like this:

Contrà Pria,,!4m2!3m1!1s0x4778baf69407cec5:0x8c06a1c1022535c,

Which is useless. I’ll go back to google download and see if they allow another format, or I find a way to convert this links to kml/gpx

@Infinity thanks, that’s an option, but to use the lists I need to login anyway