Looking for a replacement launcher for the OnePlus Launcher

Hi there,

just playing around with /e/ the past week, but i dont really like the BLISSlauncher. So i installed simple launcher from fdroid. But its too simple for me and there not much features. On my daily driver i use the OnePlus Launcher and iam looking for something simmilar.

I read throug this post about launchers: Alternative Luncher - #24 by 18yt8zhg
I tryed some but none of them gave me the right vibe.

Now i would like to ask some Oneplus users what you people use with /e/OS?

What i would like in a launcher:

  • same astetic as the oneplus launcher
  • same features and as customaziable as OP-launcher
  • icon pack support
  • no tracking or as little tracking as possible (since i try to cut google out of the stuff iam using as much as possible and dont want to exchange its with other tracking)
  • still in development

A bonus would be free and open source.

Iam curious to read your suggestions.


Was wondering, have you tried the OnePlus Launcher itself? You can get it via apkmirror. Never thought of it until now.
Maybe I’ll test a few, see what works and what trackers they may have. Lots to choose from.
oneplus launcher - APKMirror

On my OnePlus 8T, not running /e/ but crDroid w/microG, I use TEL (Termux Expert Launcher). Doesn’t fit your critera though.

The main “standard style” launcher I did use the most, previously, was LeOS Launcher. For me it had the best handling of icons. Lawnchair was in a strange state and Neo Launcher wasn’t yet Neo.
A direct download is here…
Release version 12.1 · LeOS-GSI/LeOS-Launcher · GitHub

LeOS-GSI main page

Haven’t really tried Neo Launcher in awhile but it might be worth checking out.
Neo Launcher - IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository

I’ll recommend lean launcher. It is an open souce launcher found on f-droid, works al lot like nova, allows rotating (nice on tablets) and works very well for me. Only issue I have with it is that the google branding on the search bars is sticky (only the logo, you can select DDG or bing for searching.

Disregard the OnePlus Launcher stuff. Tried a bunch of versions but they all failed.

Guess I was hopeful. A long time ago a dev, who would later join the Lawnchair team, had a standalone version of the OnePlus Launcher. Too bad it was a one-off thing.

Thanks for all the replys. I got stuck with neo launcher. So far it does what i need and works well.

I too am looking for an alternative launcher.
I tried the one @marcdw mentioned and also found another one w the same name here:
Not sure what’s the difference.
Sadly, neither worked.

Neo Launcher is the best open source I found
others are paid option or are not updated, unfortunately

Do you know where to find the latest Lineage Launcher ? for, me it is one of the best
But I cant find it


The name of the Lineage launcher is Trebuchet.

Part of Trebuchet is included in /e/OS, but in a nonoperative mode (just adds some functionality of horizontal scrolling of Recent applications).

This (more or less) prevents the user from installing Trebuchet.

A search for Trebuchet on the forum here will give a fuller picture.