Looking for latest /e/OS for Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 ("a5y17lte")

Hi there!

Is there anybody out there who still has the most recent files (Recovery & eOS.zip) for the Galaxy A5 2017 stored somewhere on a drive? If I recall correctly, the last /e/OS builld for this phone dates back to June or July of this year.

Cheers, Erik

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+1 on that. I have a Samsung SM-A520F (a5y17lte) and I also noticed that there were no updates since last summer. System is stuck at 2.2 and some stuff can’t be installed/used anymore.

Any news on that ?

There will be no more update as android R is dropped.
But some wait for a rerelease of e-2.2-r or e-2.3-r (that are the same)
Upgrade could be possible installing unofficial build…

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Had the same issue (no e/os builds available for download) therefore I made a UNOFFICAL build of the e-2.3-r version that I can give you:

I would have put it on murena drive if this were still available…
I am planning on testing this image soon and other builds if need be


It mostly seems to work, except my GPS position is on another continent.

Thank you very much for the build.

Just to confirm, this is a working built

Tank you @rust

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@ronnz98 Some thing for you, to try a T version?

Would be a challenge, but possible…maybe someone wants to do this to learn :rofl:
Instructions are found in the compile from source link…


Lineage 21: MEGA | google drive | androidfilehost | changelog | compile from source
Lineage 20: MEGA | google drive | androidfilehost | changelog | compile from source
Lineage 19.1: MEGA | google drive | androidfilehost | changelog | compile from source

Thank you @rust

An alternative: iode-2.29-20241218-a5y17lte-ota.zip OTA-Support
Android security update: 05.02.2024

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Also you can find latest dev build from /e/ :

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At least S is ready to test!

Thanks @ronnz98
I was able to go straigt and dirty to your build:

All things I need work, but as with some other of your S versions, there are microG crashes:

| |

I’m okay with just F-Droid apps and will disable microG

Could you run the microG selftest and provide the outcome?

Sure can:


Thanks! So all passed?

Yes, all are ticked :white_check_mark:

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