Looking for latest /e/OS for Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 ("a5y17lte")

Hi there!

Is there anybody out there who still has the most recent files (Recovery & eOS.zip) for the Galaxy A5 2017 stored somewhere on a drive? If I recall correctly, the last /e/OS builld for this phone dates back to June or July of this year.

Cheers, Erik

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+1 on that. I have a Samsung SM-A520F (a5y17lte) and I also noticed that there were no updates since last summer. System is stuck at 2.2 and some stuff can’t be installed/used anymore.

Any news on that ?

There will be no more update as android R is dropped.
But some wait for a rerelease of e-2.2-r or e-2.3-r (that are the same)
Upgrade could be possible installing unofficial build…