good luck with the setup and build
âŠbrunch gts4lv
âŠFAILED !⊠at 79%
[ 79% 89731/112241] target Prebuilt: BlissIconPack (out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk)
FAILED: out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk
/bin/bash -c "(rm -f out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk ) && (cp \"prebuilts/prebuiltapks/BlissIconPack/app-release-unsi
gned.apk\" \"out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk\" ) && (if (zipinfo out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_int
ermediates/package.apk 'lib/*.so' 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' stor ' >/dev/null) ; then out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/zip2zip -i out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/B
lissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk -o out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk.tmp -0 'lib/**/*.so' && mv -f out/target/p
roduct/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk.tmp out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk ; fi ) && (if (zip
info out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk '*.dex' 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' stor ' >/dev/null) ; then out/soong/host/linux-x
86/bin/zip2zip -i out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk -o out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/p
ackage.apk.tmp -0 \"classes*.dex\" && mv -f out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk.tmp out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/Bl
issIconPack_intermediates/package.apk ; fi ) && (build/make/tools/ out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/p
ackage.apk build/make/target/product/security/platform.x509.pem ) && (mv out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk out/target/p
roduct/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk.unsigned ) && (prebuilts/jdk/jdk11/linux-x86/bin/java -XX:OnError=\"cat hs_err_pid%p.log\" -XX:CI
CompilerCount=6 -XX:+UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads -Djava.library.path=\$(dirname out/soong/host/linux-x86/lib64/ -jar out/soong/host/
linux-x86/framework/signapk.jar build/make/target/product/security/platform.x509.pem build/make/target/product/security/platform.pk8 out/target/product/gts4lv
/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk.unsigned out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk.signed ) && (mv out/target
/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk.signed out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/APPS/BlissIconPack_intermediates/package.apk )" zip END header not found
at java.base/$Source.zerror(
at java.base/$Source.findEND(
at java.base/$Source.initCEN(
at java.base/$Source.<init>(
at java.base/$Source.get(
at java.base/$CleanableResource.<init>(
at java.base/$CleanableResource.get(
at java.base/<init>(
at java.base/<init>(
at java.base/java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
at java.base/java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
at java.base/java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
05:20:40 ninja failed with: exit status 1
#### failed to build some targets (05:51:28 (hh:mm:ss)) ####
link to my latest /out files⊠i go back to sleep a few more ⊠( already sleeped 4 hours, but it is not enought) âŠ
I think I had this one.
Be careful while using this command
repo forall -c âgit lfs pullâ
ie you have to use the correct apostophes! Then the comannd will take a while until all prebuild apps are downloaded
rerun bruch gts4lv again
Agreed, in the error.log
I see a very nice display of the error:
FAILED: target Prebuilt: AccountManage
FAILED: target Prebuilt: Apps
FAILED: target Prebuilt: BlissIconPack
This is exactly to sort of string of failures of prebuilts/prebuiltapks
I got when repo forall -c âgit lfs pullâ fails to pull.
A clue might be that when you run the command correctly the first time you should notice the extra load on the machine, as said by @ronnz98 for a time. Do you use copy and paste to fill the command to the terminal ? (middle mouse button).
A note, I believe you should always return âto the topâ of the build process with source build/
after any changes to your sources. Sorry for my nproc
typo !
Package lists for building /e/.
Really a note to others reading along. I have recommended above and before to add the dockerfile package list when changing from a environment populated by a package list printed on a Lineage build page because in my experience the dockerfile package list potentially might add
bsdmainutils cgpt clang cron kmod jq lsof libtinfo5 maven procps python python3 software-properties-common wget xdelta3 yasm
I do not suggest others rely on this âaddendumâ list, but use of the dockerfile list is âa good ideaâ imho.
Thanks. I tried and get notification he python package is outdated. phython2 is the successor.
Is there an up-to date how-to for non supported devices for docker builds?
as to packageinstalls: Sony open-source has a generally sane and complete list for apt / debian listed per Android version:
the package installs in the docker image are for the tooling inside the script - if you use the build system directly, no jq needed etc - clang and stuff is provided as prebuilt from aosp, cron, procps etc is all part of base install files in the distributions
I have read that in (some ?) Ubuntu one sees
$ python --version
Command 'python' not found
My Debian machine does this
$ python3 --version
Python 3.9.2
$ python2 --version
Python 2.7.18
$ python --version
Python 2.7.18
I see the different conventions and how they are expected to work, but I cannot provide a full lucid answer; @tcecyk ?
Thanks for the package list feedback.
maybe when building Android 10 there might be the odd python2 script left, but in general you can do fine with python3 only with that version onwards, even for the Lineage wrapper scripts. The python-is-python3
package is doing the symlink to provide py3 at the âpythonâ invocation -
Note: AOSP ships with its own copies of the Python 2 and Python 3 packages, and you can use the version thatâs included in the source tree. Google is migrating all scripts in the Android source tree to Python 3, and the embedded copy of Python 2 might be deprecated.
Here the Lineage section in their wiki templates -
For building LineageOS 17.1 and above, you will need
as your systems default. You can check this by callingpython --version
I do nougat builds still, and if I run into a python error because I forgot I use debian-based update-alternatives
to switch symlinks. I do this for the java/javac and gcc versions too. Pretty handy. Can post how to set it up sometime.
May be useful
you mean it switch automatiquelly ?
i also plan to build for nougat
i tried to enter<YOURUSERNAME> ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/update-java-alternatives *
shared by @steadfasterX without success
antec@antec-p6-2038fr:~$ <ANTEC> ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/update-java-alternatives *
bash: ANTEC: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
antec@antec-p6-2038fr:~$ ANTEC ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/update-java-alternatives *
ANTEC : commande introuvable
antec@antec-p6-2038fr:~$ antec ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/update-java-alternatives *
antec : commande introuvable
antec@antec-p6-2038fr:~$ <antec> ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/update-java-alternatives *
bash: antec: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
actually brunch running ⊠54%
i can see that :
depmod: WARNING: could not open modules.order at /home/antec/android/e/gts4lv/out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/PACKAGING/depmod_vendor_intermediates/lib/modules/0.
0: No such file or directory
depmod: WARNING: could not open modules.builtin at /home/antec/android/e/gts4lv/out/target/product/gts4lv/obj/PACKAGING/depmod_vendor_intermediates/lib/modules/
0.0: No such file or directory
[ 54% 61432/112241] //frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI:SystemUI-proto protoc [common]
[libprotobuf WARNING external/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/compiler/] No syntax specified for the proto file: frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src
/com/android/systemui/statusbar/notification/logging/Notifications.proto. Please use 'syntax = "proto2";' or 'syntax = "proto3";' to specify a syntax version. (
Defaulted to proto2 syntax.)
[ 54% 61653/112241] //frameworks/base/services/incremental:service.incremental clang-tidy IncrementalService.cpp [arm]
/home/antec/android/e/gts4lv/frameworks/base/services/incremental/IncrementalService.cpp:2012:79: warning: the parameter 'healthListener' is copied for each inv
ocation but only used as a const reference; consider making it a const reference [performance-unnecessary-value-param]
void IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::onHealthStatus(StorageHealthListener healthListener,
const &
make : on quitte le répertoire « /home/antec/android/e/gts4lv/kernel/samsung/sdm670 »
[ 72% 81917/112241] //frameworks/opt/telephony/proto:telephony-protos protoc [common]
frameworks/opt/telephony/proto/src/telephony.proto:267:5: warning: Enum name ROAMING_TYPE_UNKNOWN has the same name as UNKNOWN if you ignore case and strip out
the enum name prefix (if any). This is error-prone and can lead to undefined behavior. Please avoid doing this. If you are using allow_alias, please assign the
same numeric value to both enums.
[libprotobuf WARNING external/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/] frameworks/opt/telephony/proto/src/telephony.proto clearcut.connectivity.Telephon
yServiceState.ROAMING_TYPE_UNKNOWN: Enum name ROAMING_TYPE_UNKNOWN has the same name as UNKNOWN if you ignore case and strip out the enum name prefix (if any).
This is error-prone and can lead to undefined behavior. Please avoid doing this. If you are using allow_alias, please assign the same numeric value to both enum
⊠failed ⊠at 79% ⊠again âŠ
what log file is interresting to consult / share ?
error.log is often the most precise, but gives little background.
here it is âŠ
This log look very similar to the last you posted.
FAILED: target Prebuilt: Apps
FAILED: target Prebuilt: AccountManager
FAILED: target Prebuilt: BlissIconPack
I would still firstly suspect repo forall -c âgit lfs pullâ
Do you have any monitor which could tell whether this command led to noticeable work being done? On my machine I would be able to hear it, but I have conky as well.
If you look do you find files as
yes but versions are updated :
is there a repo sync log ?
or can i add > repo_sync_01.txt
to the repo sync
command ? as well as for source build/ > envsetup_01.txt
Is explained by my Android R branch has not been updated for a while.
I had a run of prebuilts fails (I never found out why) but your log includes other detail which I half remember. zip END header not found
at java.base/$Source.zerror(
at java.base/$Source.findEND(
at java.base/java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
I did a size check with ncdu
ncdu 1.15.1 ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press ? for help
----- /prebuilts/prebuiltapks --------------------------------
1.7 GiB [##########] /Browser
356.2 MiB [## ] /MagicEarth
355.4 MiB [## ] /AdvancedPrivacy
84.9 MiB [ ] /BlissLauncher
75.3 MiB [ ] /GmsCore
62.3 MiB [ ] /VOSK
20.9 MiB [ ] /PdfViewer
16.7 MiB [ ] /Apps
15.5 MiB [ ] /AccountManager
14.6 MiB [ ] /PicoTTS
11.6 MiB [ ] /Message
11.1 MiB [ ] /ESmsSync
10.8 MiB [ ] /eDrive
10.3 MiB [ ] /OpenKeychain
9.5 MiB [ ] /Mail
8.8 MiB [ ] /WebCalendarManager
7.6 MiB [ ] /Notes
5.9 MiB [ ] /Camera
5.2 MiB [ ] /SeedVault
4.7 MiB [ ] /Calendar
4.3 MiB [ ] /Light
3.9 MiB [ ] /OpenWeatherMapWeatherProvider
3.8 MiB [ ] /Tasks
3.3 MiB [ ] /eSpeakTTS
2.0 MiB [ ] /DemoApp
1.7 MiB [ ] /NominatimNlpBackend
1.4 MiB [ ] /FakeStore
1.3 MiB [ ] /BlissIconPack
1.0 MiB [ ] /PwaPlayer
104.0 KiB [ ] /DroidGuard
76.0 KiB [ ] /MozillaNlpBackend
32.0 KiB [ ] /GsfProxy
4.0 KiB [ ]
4.0 KiB [ ] .gitattributes
@ 0.0 B [ ] .git
Total disk usage: 2.7 GiB Apparent size: 2.7 GiB Items: 171
I never tried. But we always wait for repo sync completed successfully
but prebuilts come on a different path, git-lfs
ok java issue, so i just now followed the Sony page shared by tcecyk here
step 1 (now : openjdk version â11.0.4â 2019-07-16
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Android_PDK (build 11.0.4+0-5935077)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Android_PDK (build 11.0.4+0-5935077, mixed mode)
antec@antec-p6-2038fr:~/android/e/gts4lv$ sudo apt-get purge openjdk-* icedtea-* icedtea6-*
[sudo] Mot de passe de antec :
Lecture des listes de paquets⊠Fait
Construction de lâarbre des dĂ©pendances
Lecture des informations dâĂ©tat⊠Fait
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-17-jdk-headless pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-16-jre pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-16-jre-headless pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-13-source pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-13-demo pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-8-jdk pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-8-jre pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-6-jre pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-16-source pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-6-jre-headless pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-16-jre-zero pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-11-demo pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-8-demo pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-11-source pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-17-jre-headless pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-17-dbg pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-17-doc pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-15-dbg pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-11-jre-headless pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-13-dbg pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-13-doc pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-11-dbg pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-11-doc pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-8-jdk-headless pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-17-jdk pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-17-jre pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-8-jre-zero pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-13-jdk pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-13-jre pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-17-source pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-8-source pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-jre pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-11-jdk pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-11-jre pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-9-jre pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-11-jre-zero pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-7-jdk pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-10-jdk-headless pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-7-jre pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-13-jre-zero pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-13-jdk-headless pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-12-jre-headless pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-16-jdk-headless pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-17-demo pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-17-jre-zero pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-8-jre-headless pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-11-jre-dcevm pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-16-demo pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-16-dbg pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-16-doc pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-14-dbg pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-11-jdk-headless pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-12-dbg pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-13-jre-headless pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-8-dbg pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-8-doc pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de openjdk-16-jdk pour lâexpression rationnelle « openjdk-* »
Le paquet « openjdk-6-jre-headless » nâest pas installĂ©, et ne peut donc ĂȘtre supprimĂ©
Le paquet « openjdk-7-jdk » nâest pas installĂ©, et ne peut donc ĂȘtre supprimĂ©
Le paquet « openjdk-10-jdk-headless » nâest pas installĂ©, et ne peut donc ĂȘtre supprimĂ©
Le paquet « openjdk-6-jre » nâest pas installĂ©, et ne peut donc ĂȘtre supprimĂ©
Le paquet « openjdk-12-jre-headless » nâest pas installĂ©, et ne peut donc ĂȘtre supprimĂ©
Le paquet « openjdk-7-jre » nâest pas installĂ©, et ne peut donc ĂȘtre supprimĂ©
Le paquet « openjdk-9-jre » nâest pas installĂ©, et ne peut donc ĂȘtre supprimĂ©
Le paquet « openjdk-jre » nâest pas installĂ©, et ne peut donc ĂȘtre supprimĂ©
Le paquet « openjdk-12-dbg » nâest pas installĂ©, et ne peut donc ĂȘtre supprimĂ©
Le paquet « openjdk-14-dbg » nâest pas installĂ©, et ne peut donc ĂȘtre supprimĂ©
Le paquet « openjdk-15-dbg » nâest pas installĂ©, et ne peut donc ĂȘtre supprimĂ©
Note : sĂ©lection de icedtea-netx-common pour lâexpression rationnelle « icedtea-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de icedtea-8-plugin pour lâexpression rationnelle « icedtea-* »
Note : sĂ©lection de icedtea-netx pour lâexpression rationnelle « icedtea-* »
Note : sélection de « icedtea-netx » au lieu de « icedtea-netx-common »
Le paquet « icedtea-8-plugin » nâest pas installĂ©, et ne peut donc ĂȘtre supprimĂ©
E: Impossible de trouver le paquet icedtea6-*
E: Impossible de trouver de paquet correspondant Ă lâexpression rationnelle « icedtea6-* »
E: Impossible de trouver de paquet correspondant Ă lâexpression rationnelle « icedtea6-* »
step 2 (5 more packages libc6-dev:i386 libcrypt-dev:i386 linux-libc-dev:i386)
i hope it solve the problemâŠ
about prebuilds :
--- /home/antec/android/e/gts4lv/prebuilts/prebuiltapks ------------------------
355,4 MiB [##########] /AdvancedPrivacy
193,2 MiB [##### ] /MagicEarth
104,0 KiB [ ] /Browser
24,0 KiB [ ] /BlissLauncher
24,0 KiB [ ] /Talkback
24,0 KiB [ ] /OpenWeatherMapWeatherProvider
20,0 KiB [ ] /GmsCore
16,0 KiB [ ] /SeedVault
16,0 KiB [ ] /VOSK
16,0 KiB [ ] /FakeStore
12,0 KiB [ ] /Mail
12,0 KiB [ ] /AccountManager
12,0 KiB [ ] /Apps
12,0 KiB [ ] /Notes
12,0 KiB [ ] /Message
12,0 KiB [ ] /Camera
12,0 KiB [ ] /DroidGuard
12,0 KiB [ ] /WebCalendarManager
12,0 KiB [ ] /NominatimNlpBackend
12,0 KiB [ ] /OpenKeychain
12,0 KiB [ ] /ESmsSync
12,0 KiB [ ] /eDrive
12,0 KiB [ ] /MozillaNlpBackend
12,0 KiB [ ] /BlissIconPack
12,0 KiB [ ] /eSpeakTTS
12,0 KiB [ ] /PicoTTS
12,0 KiB [ ] /Calendar
12,0 KiB [ ] /DemoApp
12,0 KiB [ ] /Tasks
12,0 KiB [ ] /GsfProxy
12,0 KiB [ ] /PdfViewer
12,0 KiB [ ] /PwaPlayer
12,0 KiB [ ] /Light
4,0 KiB [ ]
4,0 KiB [ ] .gitattributes
@ 0,0 B [ ] .git
count is not thereâŠ
how to populate it ?
Do you mean ncdu
is not displaying nicely ? or something else ?
no, but my files are smaller than yourâs