Looking for some BUILDERS to teach / guide me

antec@antec-p6-2038fr:~/android/e/R$ source build/envsetup.sh
antec@antec-p6-2038fr:~/android/e/R$ lunch lineage_serranoltexx-user
antec@antec-p6-2038fr:~/android/e/R$ mka eos

) violated by allow vendor_fm_app bluetooth_prop:file { read getattr map open };
libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 10 of system/sepolicy/public/apexd.te (or line 9517 of policy.con
f) violated by allow system_app apexd:binder { call };
libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 9 of system/sepolicy/public/apexd.te (or line 9516 of policy.conf
) violated by allow system_app apex_service:service_manager { find };
libsepol.check_assertions: 119868 neverallow failures occurred
Error while expanding policy
15:53:35 ninja failed with: exit status 1
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

#### failed to build some targets (03:07 (mm:ss)) ####

latest error.log (13h54 UTC)

maybe lunch eos_serranoltexx-user will be a better idea ?

but /source/build/envsetup.sh is still unchanged since 02h00 UTC ! (am)

I think user is wrong ! (in this case)

Edit suggested confirmed – https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/thousands-of-violations-against-neverallows-in-building-user-variant.4207045/. One could look for a cause later.

Limited access; suited for production

Like user but with root access and debug capability; very close to production performance

Development configuration with faster build time; most suited for day-to-day development

so, lunch eos_serranoltexx-userdebug ?
also i think about redoing repo sync
 edit : i do


userdebug (or even eng)
but no to eos_serranoltexx-userdebug

1 Like

/build/envsetup.sh is still the same since 02h00 UTC

even after :

repo init -u https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/android.git -b v1-r
repo sync
repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'
source build/envsetup.sh
lunch lineage_serranoltexx-userdebug
mka eos

i think i need to delete build generated files using a " r m " command

i will try to to restart building after a make clean

I have seen the output of envsetup.sh remain unchanged with edits. So this output is only really useful on the first run to check for gross error. You got such an error reported by envsetup.sh, Post #138. So the device.xml is not beyond suspicion but likely OK as builds were completing (oversize).

However I expect the envsetup.sh output to include the “extendrom intention”. Is that still seen ?

Which of the three options did you use to activate and configure extendrom ?
I prefer Option 2

lunch lineage_serranoltexx-user ← is this a sign you are short of sleep ? :slightly_smiling_face:

eng is suitable as you are “developing” for device seemingly too small for regular /e/OS.

no, last command was userdebug, but to post on the forum i have copied from an old note

that’s somrthing i have missed !


but not the cause of the error during source build/envsetup.sh

antec@antec-p6-2038fr:~/android/e/R$ source build/envsetup.sh
including device/samsung/serranoltexx/vendorsetup.sh

************************************************** STARTING EXTENDROM **************************************************

EXTENDROM_PACKAGES: noApps noGmsCore noFakeStore noMozillaNlpBackend noNominatimNlpBackend noGsfProxy noTalkback noVOSK noPicoTTS noeSpeakTTS noMagicEarth noPdfViewer noOpenWeatherMapWeatherProvider noWebCalendarManager noNotes
EXTENDROM_DEBUG_PATH=/data/vendor_de (will be suffixed with /boot_debug)
ERROR: missing required binary: aapt

bash stack trace (first occurence is likely where you should look at):

ERROR: last command ended with status >1< at line >142<

line 142 :

# check to see if the supplied product is one we can build
function check_product()
    local T=$(gettop)
    if [ ! "$T" ]; then
        echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree.  Try setting TOP." >&2
    if (echo -n $1 | grep -q -e "^lineage_") ; then
        LINEAGE_BUILD=$(echo -n $1 | sed -e 's/^lineage_//g')
    export LINEAGE_BUILD

        TARGET_PRODUCT=$1 \
        get_build_var TARGET_DEVICE > /dev/null
    # hide successful answers, but allow the errors to show

must be something like :
SRC_TOP: ./e

So can we say what changed just before this error was seen ? I was about Post #136 ?

i have changed my vendorseup.sh :


and generate error during source build/envseup.sh

Try this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- vendor extendrom
    ##################################################### -->
  <remote name="sfX" fetch="https://github.com/sfX-Android/" />
  <project path="vendor/extendrom" name="android_vendor_extendrom" remote="sfX" revision="main" />
<!-- /e/ vendor repo
    ##################################################### -->
  <project path="vendor/e" name="steadfasterX/android_vendor_e" remote="e" revision="v1-r" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_serranoltexx" path="device/samsung/serranoltexx" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_serrano-common" path="device/samsung/serrano-common" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_qcom-common" path="device/samsung/qcom-common" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common" path="device/samsung/msm8930-common" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common" path="kernel/samsung/msm8930-common" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" remote="github" />
  <project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" depth="1" />    
1 Like

i want to list files i need to save before deleted all /e/ sources folder (tomorow morning)

and restore or recreate in this order :

  1. ./repo/local-manifest/eos.xml
  2. ./repo/local-manifest/extendrom.xml
  3. /device/<vendor>/<model>/vendorsetup.sh
  4. /device/<vendor>/<model>/lineage.mk
  5. /device/<vendor>/<model>/device.mk
1 Like

i have pasted the content of your serranoltexx.xml in ./repo/local-manifest/eos.xml
and did repo sync in a terminal openened in the source root

antec@antec-p6-2038fr:~/android/e/R$ repo sync

fatal: duplicate path vendor/extendrom in /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/manifest.xml

so i deleted ./repo/local-manifest/extendrom.xml

antec@antec-p6-2038fr:~/android/e/R$ repo sync

Fetching:  0% (0/874) 0:00 | ..working..error: hooks is different in /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/projects/device/samsung/msm8930-common.git vs /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/project-objects/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common.git
error.GitError: Cannot fetch --force-sync not enabled; cannot overwrite a local work tree. If you're comfortable with the possibility of losing the work tree's git metadata, use `repo sync --force-sync device/samsung/msm8930-common` to proceed.
error: hooks is different in /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/projects/kernel/samsung/msm8930-common.git vs /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/project-objects/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common.git
error.GitError: Cannot fetch --force-sync not enabled; cannot overwrite a local work tree. If you're comfortable with the possibility of losing the work tree's git metadata, use `repo sync --force-sync kernel/samsung/msm8930-common` to proceed.
Fetching: 100% (874/874), done in 2m29.829s
Fetching:  0% (0/2) 0:02 | ..working..error: hooks is different in /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/projects/device/samsung/msm8930-common.git vs /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/project-objects/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common.git
error.GitError: Cannot fetch --force-sync not enabled; cannot overwrite a local work tree. If you're comfortable with the possibility of losing the work tree's git metadata, use `repo sync --force-sync device/samsung/msm8930-common` to proceed.
error: hooks is different in /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/projects/kernel/samsung/msm8930-common.git vs /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/project-objects/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common.git
error.GitError: Cannot fetch --force-sync not enabled; cannot overwrite a local work tree. If you're comfortable with the possibility of losing the work tree's git metadata, use `repo sync --force-sync kernel/samsung/msm8930-common` to proceed.
Fetching: 100% (2/2), done in 4.241s
vendor/fdroid: Deleting obsolete checkout.
Checking out: 100% (874/874), done in 1m29.896s

error: Unable to fully sync the tree
error: Downloading network changes failed.
Try re-running with "-j1 --fail-fast" to exit at the first error.
SyncError Aggregate Errors
--force-sync not enabled; cannot overwrite a local work tree. If you're comfortable with the possibility of losing the work tree's git metadata, use `repo sync --force-sync device/samsung/msm8930-common` to proceed.
--force-sync not enabled; cannot overwrite a local work tree. If you're comfortable with the possibility of losing the work tree's git metadata, use `repo sync --force-sync kernel/samsung/msm8930-common` to proceed.
--force-sync not enabled; cannot overwrite a local work tree. If you're comfortable with the possibility of losing the work tree's git metadata, use `repo sync --force-sync device/samsung/msm8930-common` to proceed.
--force-sync not enabled; cannot overwrite a local work tree. If you're comfortable with the possibility of losing the work tree's git metadata, use `repo sync --force-sync kernel/samsung/msm8930-common` to proceed.

If the new serranoltexx.xml is different, there is still no need to have a complete clean out. New sources will come in with repo sync anything which does not match won’t get used.

Nothing can be lost by substituting the new manifest, repo sync --force-sync and onward to see if there is an improvement.

antec@antec-p6-2038fr:~/android/e/R$ repo sync --force-sync
Fetching: 61% (534/874) 0:26 | 4 jobs | 0:00 LineageOS/android_hardware_samsung @ hardware/samsungerror: hooks is different in /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/projects/device/samsung/msm8930-common.git vs /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/project-objects/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common.git
Retrying clone after deleting /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/projects/device/samsung/msm8930-common.git
Fetching: 69% (604/874) 0:31 | 3 jobs | 0:04 android_device_samsung_msm8930-common @ device/samsung/msm8930-common
remote: Not Found
fatal: dépÎt 'https://github.com/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common/' non trouvé

remote: Not Found
fatal: dépÎt 'https://github.com/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common/' non trouvé
android_device_samsung_msm8930-common: sleeping 4.0 seconds before retrying
remote: Not Found
fatal: dépÎt 'https://github.com/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common/' non trouvé
error: Cannot fetch android_device_samsung_msm8930-common from https://github.com/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common
Fetching: 92% (807/874) 0:45 | 4 jobs | 0:00 LineageOS/android_external_unrar @ external/unrarerror: hooks is different in /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/projects/kernel/samsung/msm8930-common.git vs /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/project-objects/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common.git
Retrying clone after deleting /home/antec/android/e/R/.repo/projects/kernel/samsung/msm8930-common.git
Fetching: 99% (870/874) 0:50 | 1 job | 0:05 android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common @ kernel/samsung/msm8930-common
remote: Not Found
fatal: dépÎt 'https://github.com/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common/' non trouvé

remote: Not Found
fatal: dépÎt 'https://github.com/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common/' non trouvé
android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common: sleeping 4.0 seconds before retrying
remote: Not Found
fatal: dépÎt 'https://github.com/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common/' non trouvé
error: Cannot fetch android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common from https://github.com/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common
Fetching: 100% (874/874), done in 51.563s
Fetching:  0% (0/2) 0:04 | 1 job | 0:03 android_device_samsung_msm8930-common @ device/samsung/msm8930-common
remote: Not Found
fatal: dépÎt 'https://github.com/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common/' non trouvé

remote: Not Found
fatal: dépÎt 'https://github.com/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common/' non trouvé
android_device_samsung_msm8930-common: sleeping 4.0 seconds before retrying
remote: Not Found
fatal: dépÎt 'https://github.com/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common/' non trouvé
error: Cannot fetch android_device_samsung_msm8930-common from https://github.com/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common
Fetching:  0% (0/2) 0:08 | 1 job | 0:03 android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common @ kernel/samsung/msm8930-common
remote: Not Found
fatal: dépÎt 'https://github.com/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common/' non trouvé

remote: Not Found
fatal: dépÎt 'https://github.com/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common/' non trouvé
android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common: sleeping 4.0 seconds before retrying
remote: Not Found
fatal: dépÎt 'https://github.com/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common/' non trouvé
error: Cannot fetch android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common from https://github.com/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common
Fetching: 100% (2/2), done in 9.136s
error: Cannot checkout android_device_samsung_msm8930-common: ManifestInvalidRevisionError: revision refs/heads/lineage-18.1 in android_device_samsung_msm8930-common not found
error: in `sync --force-sync`: revision refs/heads/lineage-18.1 in android_device_samsung_msm8930-common not found

This is the cause of the error LineageOS is missing twice.

1 Like
antec@antec-p6-2038fr:~/android/e/R$ repo sync
Fetching: 100% (874/874), done in 53.434s
fatal: la référence n'est pas un arbre : e9f153c41e13c5b1f1da55d0750befdb2c08849b
device/samsung/msm8930-common/: leaving master; does not track upstream
error: device/samsung/msm8930-common/: LineageOS/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common checkout e9f153c41e13c5b1f1da55d0750befdb2c08849b 
error: Cannot checkout LineageOS/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common
Checking out: 50% (443/874) platform/hardware/qcom/neuralnetworks/hvxserviceerror: Cannot checkout LineageOS/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common: ManifestInvalidRevisionError: revision refs/heads/lineage-18.1 in LineageOS/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common not found
Checking out:  62% (544/874), done in 33.149s
error: in `sync`: revision refs/heads/lineage-18.1 in LineageOS/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common not found


Cannot checkout LineageOS/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common:
ManifestInvalidRevisionError: revision refs/heads/lineage-18.1 in LineageOS/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common not found

The required branch exists: https://github.com/LineageOS/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common/tree/lineage-18.1

Perhaps adding revision="lineage18.1" on that line would help.

and another repo sync --force-sync

You might do everywhere, but I think this one needs a helping hand (perhaps due the the previous error) the repo init already set R.

You might continue with repo sync -j1 --fail-fast --force-sync and keep checking / searching the errors, you may get a resolution, or you may decide the environment is contaminated.

Edit, seen late

ERROR: missing required binary: aapt

sudo apt install aapt

Another edit, seen late.

I found an alternative and much newer kernel source under “forks”: https://github.com/sileshn/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common. To apply it, a suggested 

manifest revision
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_serranoltexx" path="device/samsung/serranoltexx" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_serrano-common" path="device/samsung/serrano-common" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_qcom-common" path="device/samsung/qcom-common" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_msm8930-common" path="device/samsung/msm8930-common" remote="github" />
<!-- kernel sileshn
    ##################################################### -->
  <remote name="sileshn" fetch="https://github.com/" />
  <project name="sileshn/android_kernel_samsung_msm8930-common" path="kernel/samsung/msm8930-common" remote="sileshn" />  

yes i will see tomorow

and recreate the specific files from scratch

are you agree with the list ?

i cannot yet exactly list what apps i have removed from official and how, but i have a successfull e-1.16-r build !
i tried to build with at least : BlissLauncher, microG, Browser, Advanced Privacy, Account Manager, eDrive, Message, and without : Apps, Maps, PDFviewer (Mail for the moment)

(it don’t have the expected filename, it is not located at the expected place
(–> not in the /out folder, but in /out/target/product/serranoltexx)
(–> not e-1.16-r 20231003-CUSTOM_MINI-serranoltexx.zip, but lineage_serranoltexx-ota-eng.antec.zip)
it is in /.e/zips/serranoltexx/

 now i have to test it 

Edit : dirty flash

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/block/mmcblk0p21 1.4G  1.2G  205M  87% /system/etc/gps_debug.conf

stuck on this display :

and when i what to escape :

but i can share the screenshoot to to the computer.
i will reboot

same thing, it is a Launcher issue

but i can use “leboncoin” !!!
because i can reach “settings” from the top bar, then “installed apps proprieties” and load them

bliss don’t appear in the App list, delete Trebuchet cache and data does nothing better

i am thinking about a factory reset, Grrr ! not yet

i install Openlauncher
 it works

i decide to reflash the build
 wipping cache and dalvic this time

boot on OpenLauncher still no BlissLauncher in the App_List

i will archive my first own /e/.ZIP and rebuild

still thinking about the pertinence of a factory-reset 
 but no.