Magic Earth Satellite View unsharp

I noticed that the Satellite View is very unsharp.
Its not possible to zoom in to view the structure of a city for example.

To give an example:

Yes it’s the case for everyone.

I don’t think it’s a bug.

Ok thanks.
Thats a bit weird actually xD

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In murica the maps are sharp. It is a smart thing to use such a maps application thing in a smartphone area sold in europe. :slight_smile:

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Seems so yes…
Maybe they dont want to show it detailed in Europe because of privacy.

The low resolution of satellite maps makes this layer unusable. Surprisingly, Magic Earth claims : “Satellite maps The best map, now with 7.5 cm accurate satellite imagery.” on their website. This is strange.
They rely on OpenStreetMaps which noes not provide satellite maps. However, does the link between OSM and satellite view. It is possible and available.
I sent a mail to Magic Earth about this and will post the answer here.


Hi Everyone,
It took quite a long time and three attemps to have a response from Magic Earth. I have it now:

To keep Magic Earth completely free, we only use free open data from different providers for our services. The detail level of the satellite images is as detailed as 7.5 cm/pixel in areas where we have data and less detailed in others. We are working hard on improving the satellite resolution, so we can reach in the future the 7.5 cm/pixel in as many areas around the globe as possible.

It would be great if you could help us get access to satellite open data for your area. Every contribution matters and helps us get Magic Earth better. So, if you can indicate to us a provider of open satellite data, we would appreciate you sharing this information with us.

I have seen that Portugal and Netherland have good maps. France, Italy, Greece and U.K. don’t.
I suggested Magic Earth to put more info about this on their website so that people could help them to have more maps.