Mail stops when trying to create a mail from contacts

Hi there,
When I try to create an email message from the phone contacts app by clicking on the address of my contact, it systematically triggers an error.
First “mail a cessé de fonctionner” (“mail has stopped working”) and then “mail systematically stops working”. I guess this is a known bug?

However, now I notice that the app doesn’t work at all anymore. The mail app constantly fails.
Thanks in advance for your reply.

I think that’s because you have added under accounts / '/e/ and your personal email account. This will break the email app. I have created an issue for this month ago.

I’m sorry, the only way to get email app running now is a factory reset and fresh start :woozy_face:

Hi @harvey186,

Do you mean by factory reset, a complete reset of the phone? That would be bad news. Does that automatically reinstall /e/? I was just so happy that I had nearly completed the configuration of my phone…

Is it possible to just reset or reinstall the mail app rather than to do a complete factory reset of the phone?
I primarily need the app for my professional e-mail, so if the mail app doesn’t work until that bug is fixed, I might as well wait and not do a factory reset yet. Does my /e/ phone automatically retrieve bug fixes and updates?


yeah, I’m sorry, the fctory reset will delete all your data. And there is no way to remove / reinstall the mail app.

You can use the mail app for ypur pesonal email account, that’s no problem, but you have to set it up direct in email app not via ‘settings’ / ‘acccounts’ /’/e/’

yes, but this issue won’t be solved. And no one knows when this issue will be solved. As I have written, the issue is very old

But I think, you have tried so much in the last days, it will need no so long to get all back, because now you are knowing the way to go :wink:

hi @harvey186 which issue is it from this list

Hi @Manoj it’s located under edrive

Hi @harvey186,
Do we agree that the bug is generated when you try to create a mail from the contacts?
So if I do a factory reset and avoid from generating a mail via contacts, the mail app won’t crash again?
Thanks in advance.

No, that’s not the issue.

This is crash coming from the ‘wrong’ /e/ account setup

You can try removing all accounts from email app and from ‘settings’ / ‘accounts’
Than wipe cache via twrp and start with new account setup.

On me side it hasn’t work, but you can try

Hi @harvey186,
I have done the factory reset. Actually it isn’t a heavy procedure, since the data is linked to the /e/ account on the cloud.
Thanks again,

Happy that I was able to help :wink: