Manoj is a Boss! - Thanks

In all seriousness, big tech monopoly is a big problem the world has to deal with, and murena (/e/) is making the world a better place (imho anyway). And you, sir, are a backbone of this community. I sincerely appreciate all you do and all the support you give. It really does make a difference.

Just got my wife a fairphone 4 and she loves it. You guys have made getting someone like my wife on a degoogled platform very approachable.

Thanks to /e/ foundation and thanks to Manoj. Cheers :beers:

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


The real stars of the forum and this community are the users who devote their time and energy to help provide solutions to other users. I and the entire /e/OS team remain indebted to each one of you for your support over the years.
We have made mistakes no doubt, missed deadlines, but every error or miss on our part has been a lesson for us and helped us make corrections.
I sincerely believe there is a huge scope for improvement and with the support and your positive feedback we will only get better.


You are both right :smiley:


I absolutely agree. Everyone, from the developers to the maintainers down to the end user that’s looking for a way out of the big2 monopoly is important in his/her own way. But @Manoj is the tip of the spear in this community. Take some credit Manoj, you definitely deserve it (taking off my hat and making a deep bow)


Couldn’t have said it any better :+1:
And for my part, I signed up for the early access to

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The real stars of the forum and this community are the users who devote their time and energy to help provide solutions to other users. .

.:trophy: :trophy: :trophy: .

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