Manually update stock system app - invalid package

I noticed stock mail app in latest e/os 2.6 is the same old 6.711 ver which does not support OAuth2 with Hotmail/Outlook.

There’s a new mail app available apparently released 23 hours ago.
I tried to update it while on e/os 2.5 and it errors with “invalid package”. The same occurs now on 2.6

What am I missing?


You can download the latest version (v6.719) from here :

Just be sure to download correct apk for your device (official or community)


That did it MRTN, thanks

Still getting not working with Hotmail

invalid_request: The provided value for the input parameter ‘redirect_uri’ is not valid. The expected value is a URI which matches a redirect URI registered for this client application

I think the dev-team is working on it :

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