I’m curious if there are some people interested in /e/ in San Francisco. If there is interest I would be happy to organize the meetup and would probably have a space we can use down town (its large enough for 20-30 ppl)
If you are interested, make yourself heard here! if there at least 5 people I’ll get this going.
Hey in not sure if this got off the ground. I’m looking to meetup with others near SF. I’m actually in Lake Tahoe. Would definitely be a great place to have a meet up. Just would be nice to network with other like minded people because I have yet to meet anybody that knows about /e/ and that there is a viable alternative and private mobile operating system available. It seems like we need to get the word out there about /e/; now more than ever. I had to do some real digging and searching before I stumbled onto /e/ accidentally. Any ideas?