Minetest starts again and again


for several months now (i.e. not just since /e/ 1.x is out), Minetest refuses to start. As illustrated in this screen recording, the app begins loading some files but once the progress bar reaches 100%, loading restarts:

This is repeated indefinitely without reaching the actual game.

I already removed and re-installed the app several times; without changing the behavior. Installation was attempted both via F-Droid and the App Lounge. All app permissions have been granted.

The logcat contains:

07-09 12:06:14.365 14768 14791 E MinetestAssetCopy: Copying file: /storage/emulated/0//Minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/default/craftitems.lua FAILED (couldn't open output file)
07-09 12:06:14.365 14768 14791 W System.err: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /storage/emulated/0/Minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/default/craftitems.lua: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

and indeed, there is no /storage/emulated/0/Minetest folder.

Does this look familiar to anyone?

Non-rooted Fairphone2 running /e/ 1.1 here.

Kind regards

I do not know your history of using Minetest on this device but … at this point I would be inclined to install from Downloads - Minetest as suggested Minetest on Android - Minetest Wiki

I see that the warning W concerns /storage/emulated/0/Minetest
but the error E is from /storage/emulated/0//Minetest (or is that just a typo?)

Do you know where the Minetest folder is? I do believe that it should be at that location, that is, Internal storage.

I’ve done a little more research using what’s available via F-Droid:

  • starts without problems
  • starts without problems but has a corrupted icon
  • exhibits the problems (but with a good icon).

However all three versions are rather old compared to what’s available on the Minetest website.

I see that the warning W concerns /storage/emulated/0/Minetest
but the error E is from /storage/emulated/0//Minetest (or is that just a typo?)

I copied directly from logcat, so the double slash is indeed there. However, it should not make a difference.

I guess I did not word the thought in my mind very well :blush:

Minetest/ has to be findable either way …

I do believe that it should be at that location, that is, Internal storage.

… and one would expect to see it in some “equivalent” of ~/

Edit, having just installed working Minetest (edit 5.5.1)

/storage/emulated/0 # ls

Does not reveal Minetest/ !

Well, it’s even more irritating.

When I install (and run) or from scratch, there is no Minetest folder in /sdcard aka /storage/emulated/0. It seems that everything is set-up correctly when I install and run once and upgrade after that.

Well it took a while to find !

/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/net.minetest.minetest/files/Minetest # ls
README.md client    fonts lgpl-2.1.txt minetest.conf         textures 
builtin   debug.txt games locale       minetest.conf.example worlds

Installation directory

  • Location of the mods folder within the folder structure of Minetest in the internal storage, as created by the official Android version of Minetest on first run …

… (quoting from the wiki page linked earlier)

… as long as the first run is successful, I guess !

On my phone, the /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/net.minetest.minetest/files folder exists but is empty. Instead:

$ ls /storage/emulated/0/Minetest                                                                                 
LICENSE.txt README.md builtin client debug.txt fonts games media minetest.conf minetest.conf.example po textures tmp