Misleading information for pixel 8

I went and purchased a used pixel 8 because i read in Info about Google Pixel 8 - shiba
That one could use easy installer, but when i tried it, it says there is no easy installer for pixel 8?
Then I tried the Install /e/OS on a Google Pixel 8 - “shiba” page to do it myself, but… Under “Downloads for Shiba” section the link for * [/e/OS Recovery for community build] takes me to a blank page? Is there or is there not a way to install /e/OS on pixel 8? If not then thank you for misleading me and making me purchase a phone i will not use as is !
If anyone has performed this install please enlighten me because im confused to say the least.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Easy Installer is in Beta stage as far as I can tell. And though the link is on the info page for the shiba, when you click on that link it is clearly not listed. They specify that only 21 devices are currently supported.

I know a lot of us are techies or new to being a techy, or new in general. It is really really important to read through the information before making an purchase.

That being said, would you consider the command line install, though more thorough in instruction, it is well documented.

Here for your support.

Thank you marxistvegan, I use Linux most of the time, so i’m a little used to using command line.
Where can i find instruction for that?

Great! It is on the same info page, but her is the direct link Install /e/OS on a Google Pixel 8 - “shiba”

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ok, thanks marxistvegan, I have the recovery image now. Now I can go ahead :slight_smile:

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I could not get the files from page in the link in post 4. They may be having issue with that file or just the page. Either way I am sure it will be correct in a short time, they do sell that phone so…

Darn it, Almost got there but I get error 21 when trying to side load the recovery.zip
it says something like signature could not be verified, then it aborts.
Any suggestions guys???

whilst trying to side load the pixel 8 recovery .zip file it keeps stalling with error 21 something to do with wrong signature verification.
Anyone else had this problem?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

choose install anyway and … wait …

  • on the PC, terminal hang at 47% → no error
  • on the phone → patching inconditionnally…

what was the previous installled system ?

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I just did a 4a5g this morning and saw a similar or same error, I just waited as piero is suggesting. Pretty sure it will complete.

I did notice when it hangs at 47% the time to get to 47% is shorter than the time you have to wait, perhaps more than 53%.

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Pixel frustration can be avoided if the installation requirements for the /e/OS-U are met:

A) Stock Android 14.0.0 (AP2A.240905.003, September 2024) on P8 shiba
If the latest stock Android 15.0.0 (AP4A.250105.002, January 2025) is running on the “shiba”, a downgrade is necessary.

B) e-2.6.3-u-20241217455359-official-shiba.zip
C) recovery-IMG-e-2.6.3-u-20241217455359-official-shiba.zip
D) Requirements & Install /e/OS on a Google Pixel 8 - “shiba”

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Thank you for your suggestions. I have done everything right BUT… Google have something that needs metadata or memtag. I don’t know what all this means so i am attaching a phone screen shot and the text from my terminal for your perusal

. Please help if you can.
Thank you so much.
This is the what was typed into my terminal…
nunya@XPS-13:~$ fastboot flashing unlock
(bootloader) device already unlocked
OKAY [ 0.039s]
Finished. Total time: 0.039s
nunya@XPS-13:~$ fastboot flash boot /home/nunya/Desktop/pixel/boot-e-2.6.3-u-20241217455359-official-shiba.img
Sending ‘boot_b’ (65536 KB) OKAY [ 2.335s]
Writing ‘boot_b’ OKAY [ 0.132s]
Finished. Total time: 4.093s
nunya@XPS-13:~$ fastboot flash dtbo /home/nunya/Desktop/pixel/dtbo-e-2.6.3-u-20241217455359-official-shiba.img
Sending ‘dtbo_b’ (16384 KB) OKAY [ 0.513s]
Writing ‘dtbo_b’ OKAY [ 0.060s]
Finished. Total time: 1.000s
nunya@XPS-13:~$ fastboot flash vendor_kernel_boot /home/nunya/Desktop/pixel/vendor_kernel_boot-e-2.6.3-u-20241217455359-official-shiba.img
Sending ‘vendor_kernel_boot_b’ (65536 KB) OKAY [ 2.228s]
Writing ‘vendor_kernel_boot_b’ OKAY [ 0.128s]
Finished. Total time: 3.929s
nunya@XPS-13:~$ fastboot devices
39131FDJH008JZ fastboot
nunya@XPS-13:~$ fastboot flash vendor_boot /home/nunya/Desktop/pixel/recovery-e-2.6.3-u-20241217455359-official-shiba.img
Sending ‘vendor_boot_b’ (65536 KB) OKAY [ 2.322s]
Writing ‘vendor_boot_b’ OKAY [ 0.128s]
Finished. Total time: 3.890s
nunya@XPS-13:~$ adb sideload /home/nunya/Desktop/pixel/recovery-IMG-e-2.6.3-u-20241217455359-official-shiba.zip
serving: '/home/nunya/Desktop/pixel/recovery-IMG-e-2.6.3-u-20241217455359-officiTotal xfer: 0.00x

Looks like you flashed the wrong package at the last step.
It should be the installation zip: e-2.6.3-u-20241217455359-official-shiba.zip

Really? where do i find that?

This is what i downloaded

should i just remove recovery-IMG- ???

or install this one?

The link is in the post from xxpsilon ; item B

no it is another file you need to download to be abble to adb sideload,
e-2.6.3-u-20241217455359-official-shiba.zip a big file (1,9 Go)

/e/OS documentation
Install /e/OS on a Google Pixel 8 - “shiba”

  1. Flash a recovery image onto your device
  1. Manually reboot into recovery mode

IMPORTANT! Manually reboot into recovery mode to verify the recovery installation
Use the menu to navigate to and to select the Recovery option.

When you are back in /e/ recovery:

Now tap Factory Reset, then Format data / factory reset and continue with the formatting process. This will remove encryption and delete all files stored in the internal storage.

Return to the main menu.

Sideload the /e/OS .zip package but do not reboot!

On the device, select Apply Update, then Apply from ADB to begin sideload.

On the host machine, sideload the package using: adb -d sideload /e/OS_ROM.zip.

If you read the /e/ instructions line by line you will recognize this necessary command sequence.

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Thank you all for the support. I have finally done it! Thank you piero for giving me the correct file to download :slight_smile:

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