Missing app? wondering where

in the technical faq there is a note: We have added a synchronization background software service that syncs multimedia contents (pictures, videos, audio, files…) and settings to a cloud drive, when activated.

what is this app? where do i activate?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Look in Settings>Accounts>/e/>Account sync

Here you can enable/disable syncing with your /e/ cloud account (assuming you have signed up for one)

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logged in but only says contacts+calender for sync. what about photos and files and stuff

Not sure why it was not included but you need to install the Nextcloud app. use ecloud.global as the server and log in with your e.email credentials then you have the app to browse AND your cloud files will magically now be available in the Files app.

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