I have the impression that since 2.0 is running some sounds are not played anymore. I have two sounds configured for plugging and unplugging the charger - I don’t get them anymore. Also Molly and Fairemail do not beep anymore, never, but notifications and the blinking LED are displayed. I have also a sound in Battery Bot when the charging reaches 95%. All these sounds are still configured and the sound files are still OK, the volume is not quiet, Do not disturb is off, but they are not played when they should.
After I installed 2.0 I did of course a reboot. But then a time later I noticed that the device is somehow quiet …
I did a reboot yesterday in the evening and Fairemail beeps again. Also the charging sounds are back. So I guess, it works again. But the reason for missing several (all?) of these sounds remains unclear.
We have a second device which did not behave like this. The sounds configured there are all good until today.
I have it again, now also on the latest 2.1. It works for weeks and then, suddenly, it stops, no sounds anymore at all. After a reboot it’s OK again. - Not good. I didn’t do anything on this, I swear.
I’ll see what I can do there. foobar2000 is my default player.
Ahm … I have a lot of music stuff on my SD card. But I’m not sure who should be responsible for indexing them. The sounds I mean are all in the internal memory to be able to remove the SD card without any loss.
As far as I know, MediaProvider will try to index them as well. It can lead to hangs and/or database corruption using a slow storage. Usually resolved with a reboot…
I’d try to put the SDCard aside for a while, to see what happen!
May be, but does this happen in background or only when I open the app? I never use the stock Music app. I don’t even know how it actually looks. OK, when I choose or change a sound in the Settings and the sound is then played it will probably be used in background.
That’s not so easy since my mobile and a pair of headphones is meanwhile my main music playing environment …
MediaProvider is a system app, scanning happens in background. It’s not related to playing/viewing any media, just indexing them and provide info to the apps. Please see the link in my first post.
If your player doesn’t use MediaProvider (as foobar2000), I’d try to put a .nomedia file in SCDard top directory. This will prevent MediaProvider indexing.
When it happens, when the notification sounds are not hearable anymore, sound files are still correctly playable by foobar2000, VLC, TotalCommander. Also the keyboard makes still
hearable key pressed sounds (only in some situations, as configured).
My uptime is now 21 days (without a reboot).
I’ll see what happens.
Update: seems that the system folders “Ringtones” and “Notifications” in the internal device memory do not accept a .nomedia file. But it should still be a remarkable relief for the indexer not to see my 44GB music files on my SD card.
Please, don’t! Excluding these folders from MediaProvider is the opposite of what you need.
To have these kind of media files always available, the better place is in phone’s internal memory, not SDCard.
That’s exactly the case (big library on slow storage) where the indexer is known to have problems and hang
It’s still not good. My device is now up for 11 days (since I updated OTA to 2.2). Today the sounds have gone quiet (the LED is blinking on notifications).
My music library is still excluded by a .nomedia file. Can it be that this file doesn’t work? What properties must this file have? Just existence?
I found other folders containing such a file. These .nomedia files had 0 bytes. My file has now a readable line of text in it (I didn’t write it there), it’s the path of the folder containing the file.
The stock Music app shows nothing, not a single playable file, especially also no ringtone or alarm, it’s completely empty. Mysterious. And I don’t see any control to kick a new scan.
Haven’t installed this on my PC until now. Perhaps a possibility.
P.S.: We had this phenomenon now also on a second device but this one did heal itself. After a day the sounds were audible again.
Hi @irrlicht I keep my “own individual” recordings for the purpose in the default folders on the device Notifications and Ringtones. Is it worth transferring some sounds there ?
When this post was new I had just changed phone and thought I had been missing some Notifications, so I reviewed my settings. As it happens, I have learned not to use an “own sound” for
as all Default notification sounds seem to play very low volume. I use “Tweeters”.
Own recordings work fine as Ringtone and SMS Notification.
If I’m counting right, it will have been open for exactly 90 days then until the automatic closing. Sounds like a default setting.
I guess either an algorithm will periodically revisit topics and extend them if they are active, or we could always ask @Manoj.
Interesting, as this is not the case here @irrlicht you may also check that you’re not facing some kind of unexpected notification playback volume change…