Moto G6 Plus Evert upgrade to /e


Looking to move my wife’s phone a Motorola G6 plus to /e.

How important is this statement?

“Before following these instructions please ensure that the device is on the latest Android 9 firmware”

The reason I ask is because it might be difficult getting this ROM.


A double check with Lineage install page,, gives very similar.

:warning: Warning: Before following these instructions please ensure that the device is currently using Android 9 firmware.
If the vendor provided multiple updates for that version, e.g. security updates, make sure you are on the latest!
If your current installation is newer or older than Android 9, please upgrade or downgrade to the required version before proceeding (guides can be found on the internet!).

While this may be a generic message, it is likely accurate (unles you find otherwise). My judgement would be that is is much better use of time to try to find the update, than to fix the phone after a failed install!

Do either of these links lead somewhere or fail ?

Motorola support may be best first to ask if links have failed.

Meanwhile here, I believe, is the XDA Moto G6 section

Edit G6 Plus

Many thanks

I’m sure you’re right. It would be prudent to install Android 9. The problem is that 9 was never offered as an upgrade for this phone. Android 8 was and is installed. I need to get an original ROM and the links so far are either bogus or dead. Will contact Motorola maybe as the links you kindly supplied seem to be dead. I have dropped a message on XDA maybe some one will know.

Correction. The links supplied are for Android 8 which she already has.

Perhaps, you might be able to ask a developer on if the documentation is correct regarding Android 9.

I might have it. It’s a big might though

In the UK that is. Commonplace elsewhere AFSIK

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