Motorola Edge 30 : Your device does not qualify for bootloader unlocking

I try to put /e/OS on my Motorola Edge 30 by following the tutorial, unfortunately I am blocked rather quickly since when I ask to unlock the bootloader via the Motorola site, it tells me

Your device does not qualify for bootloader unlocking

How do I proceed now? IF /e/ lists the Edge 30 as a smartphone capable of supporting /e/OS it must be possible… I don’t understand. Thanks for your help Renaud.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Models Supported

  • XT2203-1

Other models are not supported

  • look in → settings → about the phone…

Thank you for the quick answer, but i have the good one XT2203-1…



OK !!
I found the solution: I switched the Edge 30 from open bootloader to developer mode. I requested the data again and it’s fine!

How have you done that??

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