Motorola - Moto G7 Power - ocean - Documentation Suggestions

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Regarding Moto G7 Power installation:

I first tried straight after unboxing the device and oem unlocking it. That bricked in a way that it didn’t turn on anymore and named itself “Qualcomm loader…something”. I then had to use “blankflash” that contains a tool called “qboot” that I found in some dubios sources, to restore the stock bootloader. I then reflashed with the stock-rom and let it apply all available updates before flashing /e/. Maybe it’s worth a hint to apply all regular android updates on this device before flashing /e/.

On the 1.16 recovery, it would be helpful to note that a message popup about restarting recovery arises. I choose “No” to continue.

Hi, I just install the os on Moto G7.
The documentation is pretty straight, only one remark: the last step is missing.
After installing the os, you have the option to install additional package yes/no

Hi @Ken748 welcome to the /e/ forum.

/e/OS inherits this option from Lineage. /e/ expects no extra packages, but it remains an option for those who have reason to want to add anything at this stage.

The standard answer is Extra packages - No.

  • (The answer Yes does not lock the user into installing anything, that is the user can still exit.)

Hi, I was reading the flashing instruction and came across this, which is confusing.

Tip: Outdated fastboot releases dropped legacy A/B support, so it might attempt to flash to boot__a / boot__b rather than boot_a / boot_b if you try to flash boot. In this case, you must update fastboot to a release newer than or equal to 31.0.2. Alternatively, you can manually specify which slot to flash to based on what slot fastboot failed to flash to. For example, if fastboot fails to flash to boot__a, you must flash to boot_a.

Where it says “might attempt to flash to boot__a / boot__b rather than boot_a / boot_b” and at the end “if fastboot fails to flash to boot__a, you must flash to boot_a.”.

Basically, it says the same thing or am I misunderstanding something?