Thank you for bringing this up.
I am really confused about what files are synced where, and in both directions or not.
Before Murena, I have on other phone used owncloud to sync pictures and syncthing for other stuff between phone, workstation and laptop. But now I am trying to use Murena cloud ttps://
I tried to be efficient and sync “everything” to my desktop computer using nextcloud client app on the computers. I can then easily and quickly browse pictures and documents, delete, mode, create subfolders… Much get synced all the way back to the phone, but then after a while the deleted files reappear. I see per thus thread now that is because the pictures i deleted are getting synced up from the phone.
I dont get the idea here, it seem to me only more work and more confusing to be needing to delete pictures both on phone and elsewhere…?
@Manoj, there is more than one problem with explanations at, and
In the sync settings we can enable/disable different items. Rather clear are Tasks, Calendar, Adress books, Mail, Application settings. But it would be nice to know where in the file tree they are if we want to synchronise some or all by other means. I find no setting for Documents! I see settings for Pictures and videos, but what folders? DCIM + Pictures + Movies? Doe it grap pictures also in documents folders? Downloads?
There are also more folders than described, i.e Images, Music, Recordings…
In which direction do sync work, and by which criteria? I guess the new idea is that when pictures are deleted on phone they are not deleted on cloud. Is it also vice versa. I found that folders and files created on cloud (or computer synced with it) get propagated to phone. Do deletions of those on computer get then deleted on phone? etc. And do files in all folders like i.e Documents folder behave the same, i.e when delete don phone they are not deleted in cloud?
I feel like shutting down the built in sync for the folders Documents, DCIM and Pictures, and set up normal bidirectional syncing of them using nextcloud app (or maybe i choose syncthing and not and cloud server for them). Any way, I shall first disable the built in sync of “Pictures and videos” ? And how to disable sync of Documents folder ?