. Hide-my-email amd e-mail filters

As we count down to v1.0 We are introducing the following features

Click the links to know more about them.

Also find out how you can set up e-mail filters

We had shared the details on our newsletter as well

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone



Forme hide my email, it’s only one per users??
Or an user could creat a lot of them (one per webite who track you for exemple)?

It will be one alias per ID.

Say I would like to solicit a response from a commercial site who have my alias and not my real email.

How can I contact them with the alias from the K9 fork in eOS ?

Hide my e-mail : β€œβ€¦which can only be used to receive emails…”

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Hello @Manoj
In this newsletter posted on April 27, 2022 it is said :

Currently, there is one alias available, but in the future we plan to get more and users will be able to manage their aliases (to delete and renew them).

Do you know when this feature will be available? It would be so useful




The developers have to plan to add this feature. As yet, there are no dates on when it would be available. Will update all once I have some inputs.

ok, thanks for the update! :slight_smile:

It works with plus addressing! e.g., and you can have as many somethings as you like!

This is a great feature I just discovered, thanks /e/ team! :smiley: