mail error LOCAL_BL_FROM


I can’t send any messages. It worked for a while but later on after configuring Delta Chat with account I get an error like this: LOCAL_BL_FROM

Right now I can’t send anything via web or Delta chat.

Could the admins please fix my account?

I can’t even send an email to helpdesk from the webmail as it also rejects sending but without any errors

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

it’s an outgoing sending rate limit that you can hit quickly when smtp is used as Chat (quick back-and-forth).

You can contact Admins and ask to clarify as described at

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@Manoj can you help me out? This happened to me as well. What I experienced doesn’t come from abuse though. I tried sending BCC email to 10 friends (they don’t need to know about the others since they don’t even know each other). I got a rate limiter sort of notification, without sending a thing. Then I tried reducing the amount to 3 (thinking I could start sending to the 10 people on 3 by 3 one each day or something) and then got this smtp notification.

As I couldn’t even send a mail to helpdesk, I asked a friend also using /e/ to send a message on my behalf, but it’s been 3 days and neither my friend nor me haven’t gotten any communication from helpdesk.

The experience is really sad, because it’s not that I’m abusing smtp.

My account is free, and my smtp track record might help confirm I’m not a spammer or smtp abuser at all…

Hopefully you can get helpdesk to help me out. My /e/ account is, and the account from my friend that sent the request on my behalf is

Sorry for hijacking this post, but the solution to send a message from another account is not working for me.

Thanks a lot !

Hi @je-vv I have removed your name from the blacklist. Pl check.
Pl note sending in cc or as bcc will still count as a mail being sent. The rate limit is constantly changing due to activity of spammers on our forum and mail networks.
To be on the safe side, do not send more than 2 emails in an hour using the free account.

Thanks a lot @Manoj, yes it worked !

Just so you know, yes, since the 1st rate limiting notification, I was counting all destinations (TO, CC and BCC) as such, in fact I was sending only BCC, since as mentioned not all my friends I was sending the message to know between each other. After getting the rate limiting notification, I then tried just 3 destination on BCC, and then I got the smtp local_bl_from notification, :cry:, so I guess 3 were too much.

At any rate, I got unblocked, many thanks again !

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