Murena One: unstable NFC

Hi all,

I have a Murena One with /e/OS 1.10-20230412278811, Android 11. Sporadically I have to use the AusweisApp2 to identify myself with my ID card. Testing the NFC connection with the app is positive but logging in anywhere failed so far due to a very unstable or too weak NFC connection. If I didn’t still have my old Samsung phone with Google’s Android, I’d be at a loss.

Is there anything I can do to somehow enhance the NFC connection or will I need a second phone if I want to make cashless payments or identify myself with my ID card?


Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Update: Support advised me to install the NFC Reader App, which I did and obviously this keeps the NFC connection alive. It worked.