Murena Phone vs. Graphene OS vs. Android?

Isn’t the same thing. Murena is a phone and Graphene an OS and this OS is just compatible with Pixel phones. You can disable Google apps on “regular Android” but you have always Google services.

So to me, you need to think if you want an ultra secure OS ?

  • If yes, choose GrapheneOS but you need to buy a Google Phone.

  • If you don’t want to buy a Pixel, find a phone compatilble with an OS like /e/OS, CalyxOS, DivestOS, Ubuntu Touch or other OS and the most recent one compatible with all these OS is the Fairphone 4 (ethic phone by the way).


For actual tactful differences between these see my page here: Patch Levels - DivestOS Mobile

The Murena Phone is using an insecure and end-of-life SoC from 2018:

I’m not here to say you need to use DivestOS and don’t using Murena Phone. Just here to say the 3 points at the beginning are a non-sens.

You are the developer of divestos and you come to the /e/os forum to talk bad about them. I suggest you to stop your wickedness.
You are free to praise your OS, but please don’t attack the others. That doesnt make you greater.

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My link provides factual information on many projects, not just /e/OS. I am not here to single them out.
You can see this if you actually read the page.

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GraphensOS is too overrated and relies way too much on Google with Google phones and Google Play Services

But they are mentionned on PrivacyGuides : Android - Privacy Guides and PrivacyTools : Privacy Friendly Mobile Operating Systems.

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You’ll get good privacy with GrapheneOS but as soon as you install Google Play Services, even in a work-profile, your phone is compromised. And that’s what GrapheneOS recommends doing over using Microg.

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In one corner we have GrapheneOS that doesn’t phone home to Google out of the box.

In the other corner we have /e/OS which immediately phones home to Google out of the box.

Meanwhile completely overlooking the fact that every single app that interacts with microG does so using the full proprietary Google Play Services library and that /e/OS even defaults microG SafetyNet on which downloads and executes even more proprietary code from Google.
Source: GmsCore/microg.xml · main · e / os / android_prebuilts_prebuiltapks_lfs · GitLab

But GrapheneOS is obviously the devil because it has completely optional Play Services support…

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/e/ is the best compromise and the only really usable solution for everyday use with some compromise like being forced by work to use Microsoft office apps.
Also / e/ os is really great because it has a simple working automatic cloud sync for notes, contacts; calendar and some other things like pictures.
The other great feature is that the advanced privacy blocks tracker per apps, which means you will limit (not stop completely) the information sent by apps you really cannot avoid to use.
The best solution would be to use /e/ os by only going through websites in a web browser instead using commercial apps but it is sometimes difficult.
One of my bank do not request the use of an app to access online account but my second bank is forcing me to use an app only for logging on a PC accessing the bank website … /e/ os allows me to access my bank detail without giving meaningful information to google (device registration without a google acocunt is not really valuable, google can identify your phone ot some extent but you won’t send a lot of information and not formatted like the standard mass of android phone so it is less valuable to them and they maybe don’t bother to process them because of the small amount of /e/ users)
The third great feature is the app store called app lounge which is very good and keepsimproving. You have access to everything; even open source apps from fdroid are available in the same catalogue. Each app has a privacy rating which is clever and surprinsingly good enough even if it is based on two simple checks. The only limit would be apps that includes in-app payement through google play store libray. Though it has never happend to me to be blocked by that, most useful public apps wih payment will allow you to pay with another way that is not dependent on google. You can also log in with a google account temporarily, micro-g is offering this possibility though its best to try alternatives to this.


/e/os contacting Google was debunked over a year ago, you can read about that research here:

I’ve always pushed back against people calling the GrapheneOS community toxic, but jumping in other peoples forums only to trash them and say debunked lies about them is making that harder to do in the future.

/e/OS provably does connect to Google services via microG, that needs no “debunking” nor is it a lie.
It literally says so in the user interface: “Google device registration” & “Google Cloud Messaging” & “Google SafetyNet: enabled / official server”

Secondly, I have no connection to the GrapheneOS community, I have my own OS for nine years now.
You’re just still spreading more FUD while ignoring the facts.


use /e/ os only through websites

The bundled WebView and Browser in /e/OS hasn’t been updated since December of 2022 and has 96 known security issues.
You can see the update history of many projects detailed on my page here:

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Lol verified academic research vs some rando on a forum saying trust me. And why are you in a community you’re not apart of trying to sow division?

These sure look like Google servers? You think microG just defines them and then magics them away?

maybe that official microG source code isn’t enough? here is the /e/OS fork:

Whatever apps I allow to ping Google servers for notifications and such have to go through Microg, they can’t go through my gmail address, I don’t have one. If I were to delete Microg and setup a work profile with Google Play Services, I’d have to sign up for gmail, give them my phone number to verify, and get into the Google system. And I can’t prove this, but since Google created both Play Services and Android Profiles, they probably know exactly how to slither into the home profile from the work profile and gather the info and send it all out through the work profile. Unless they’re just an honest corporation.

If I wanted a profile without Microg, I’d just create a work profile, where Microg has to be manually installed by default, otherwise it’s not available. Or vice versa, delete it from home and install it on work. No Google sign up, no phone numbers, no gmail.

I worry about Google spying on me through Microg as much as I worry about them spying on me through Invidious YouTube. I don’t.


Please man, the topic isn’t on DivestOS. If you try to have more user, i think, you need to change your communication.

I kind of see both sides here in the sense that while I don’t worry that much about microg but I can see how some people see it’s problematic having it set up by default cause at the end of the day it is making google connections. However I would also argue if you have a problem with it then I don’t think it would be that bad just to deal with it early on by disabling it or a adb uninstall command or even a root install if you were to have that

Yes, I think that de-activating all microG functions would do the trick for the concerned users. /e/ os configured like this would be much better than a simple lineage os without microg because lineage did not care for things like removing google default dns (! maybe the worst thing for being spied !)

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would put an end to the drama, I looked up where to insert this, up for any takers - microG Google calls: ask for consent during setup? - #2 by tcecyk


Logically, that would mean @anon88181694 wouldn’t seem to be here to please the crowd, wouldn’t it? Would get me thinking.

Everybody is entitled to their own choice on how detailed they want to know what’s really going on on their device.