Murena Two - Wifi continuously unloging

Watching a video or downloading an app (or latest eOS update) is such a mess.
Wifi is always deconnecting, then connecting again, sometimes working properly for a few minutes, then deconnecting again. For downloaching eOS update, I have to manually reconnect to the Wifi at least 20 times. And it does NOT come from my box. I had ORANGE box and same problem. Then I switched to BOUYGUES box, and problem remains.
I start doubting about Murena Two…as Wifi issues come on top of camera issue, SMS that cannot be sent, no protection case… and many little other things that make it complicate to use.

Hoping to get solutions within shortly.

Thanks in advance.

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I had similar issues until changing WPA3 mode with WPA2 compatibility to legacy WPA2 in my AVM router.