Murenacloud Profil Picture

Hi there,
there is no way, to put a new Profilphoto in my Cloud Settings. Is that a Bug or i am to fuzzy to make the job?



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I am facing this issue as well. I am quite sure it’s a bug or the feature is turned off by the admin for some reason because the latest official Nextcloud documentation says that it’s possible to change or delete profile picture.

I am hoping someone with admin rights sees this and re-enables the option to change or delete profile picture on Ecloud.

It’s an Issue on Gitlap opened for this problem…

I have the same issue here. Below the picture it just states that the picture “was provided by the original account”:

I guess the “original account” was the /e/cloud where I originally added my profile picture. If this is correct, the rights to change the picture might have got lost with the change to the Murena cloud.

Any other thoughts about this?