Depuis quelques jours, mon /e/OS Browser n’accède plus à Internet en données mobiles (LTE). Il le fait pourtant sans problème en mode wifi. Mon accès à Internet fonctionne avec d’autres applis en données mobiles LTE, dont le navigateur “Monocles”.
Quand je demande une page, la réponse est : “Ce site est inaccessible. Impossible de trouver l’adresse serveur de XXX. Voici quelques conseils : Vérifier la connexion ERR.NAME_NOT_RESOLVED”
Je ne vois pas quel paramètre du Browser aurait été modifié.
J’utilise, avec beaucoup de satisfaction, /e/OS 2.2-r-20240719418592-dev-Lavender pour Android 11, sur un Redmi Note 7.
Quelqu’un a-t-il une idée ?
Bien cordialement,
For a few days now, my /e/OS Browser has not been able to access the Internet using mobile data (LTE). It does this without any problem in wifi mode. My Internet access works with other applications using LTE mobile data, including the ‘Monocles’ browser.
When I request a page, the response is: ‘This site is inaccessible. Impossible to find the server address of XXX. Here’s some advice: Check the connection ERR.NAME_NOT_RESOLVED’.
I can’t see which browser parameter has been changed.
I use /e/OS 2.2-r-20240719418592-dev-Lavender for Android 11 on a Redmi Note 7 with great satisfaction.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thank you for your help,
the error message comes from DNS. I’d guess it’s adblocking, either the integrated Adblock or advanced privacy blocking. Or do you use any other DNS/network/blocking products that allow App-level settings?
Thank you for your reply.
The ‘Browser’ application works on wifi, but not on LTE. I didn’t change any settings and it suddenly appeared.
- Browser uses the provider’s DNS;
- Adblock Plus settings are disabled;
- Legacy Ad Block is enabled, but disabling it doesn’t change anything;
- I haven’t changed anything to the permissions for the site settings.
It’s not a general blocker either, because :
- I can’t see what /E/OS setting would do it; and
- the ‘Browser’ application has no system restrictions when I check it; and
- I get mobile LTE data with another browser like Firefox Focus.
hard to say from the outside… you sure there isn’t a dns-over-https/-tls selected in the browser? I think v2.2 is already cromite, not bromite - you can check the linked issue search if there’s anything alike. Can’t find something that really fits, some leads:
- this looked like “up the same alley” but wifi/mobile reversed
- (old) No IPv4 connectivity on cellular network (#1321) · Issues · e / Backlog · GitLab
- (also old) Broken DNS settings in Browser for some users after updating to /e/OS 0.16 (#3072) · Issues · e / Backlog · GitLab