Hi all - this is my 2nd time installing /e/os and only 3rd installing a custom rom and I’ve hit a roadblock.
Unfortunately it seems that I picked one of the more awkward devices to install on.
Progress so far: Went through the convoluted Motorola unlock procedure, so bootloader is now unlocked.
Downloaded build and recovery.
Enter fastboot.
“fastboot devices” - device shows in list.
“fastboot oem get_unlock_data” - a bunch of numbers, but on fastboot it says bootloader is unlocked
Ok time to flash recovery, but here’s where I’m stuck: When I run
“fastboot flash boot recoveryfilename.img”
I get an error message basically saying something like the partition is empty or boot_a is empty (I can rerun the command and post the exact results if needed - just a bit worried about bricking the phone at this point). So in the installation instructions it says " Tip: Outdated fastboot releases dropped legacy A/B support, so it might attempt to flash to boot__a / boot__b rather than boot_a / boot_b if you try to flash boot. In this case, you must update fastboot to a release newer than or equal to 31.0.2. Alternatively, you can manually specify which slot to flash to based on what slot fastboot failed to flash to. For example, if fastboot fails to flash to boot__a, you must flash to boot_a." - However I don’t know how to boot to a specific partition, nor do I know the name of the partition I need to boot to. Also in the “Ensuring all Firmware Partitions are Consistent” section - I can’t figure out how to do the sideload. It says *** On the device, select Apply Update, then Apply from ADB to begin sideload. * On the host machine, sideload the package using: adb sideload copy-partitions-20220613-signed.zip** - However I can’t see an “Apply Update” option on the phone, and “adb sideload partitions etc.” isn’t working.
Other things to note - I tried just turning the phone back on and it says “verity mode set to disabled” and something along the lines of “another OS is installed”. But it did come on and seems to be working fine.
Help would be GREATLY appreciated so I don’t break this phone!
Thank you.
EDIT: Trying to Sideload the partitions package gets: db: sideload connection failed: no devices/emulators found
adb: trying pre-KitKat sideload method…
adb: pre-KitKat sideload connection failed: no devices/emulators found
Yes - I can’t see a difference between what I wrote and what you did - am I missing something?
Yes! My actual command was: “fastboot flash boot recovery-IMG-e-2.2-t-20240716417775-dev-sunfish.img” - I don’t think I need to specify the file location more specifically in the command?
Sorry I’m a noob - what exactly would I need to look for here? I have added the adb path to the environment variables, as far as I know.
Edit: Oh - I just rechecked Environment Variables and under “User Variables for User” I’m pretty sure there used to be one called “Path” that had the same Value as “Path” in “System Variables”… I may have accidentally deleted that… If so I’m not sure how to restore that…
Edit 2: I created a “New” item in User Variables, called it “Path” and made the value the same thing as the value of “Path” in “System Variables”.
I’ll retry installation tomorrow and see if that resolves it…
For anyone running into similar issues - the solution wsa to use a usb 2.0 hub. Also - when sideloading files you must copy the files as a path and paste that filename into the command in cmd. Not clear in instructions for noobs.