New availability Murena one and Murena 2?

Hello everyone, when will the Murena One or Murena 2 be available again? Or even the release of a new model?

Both the Murena One and Murena Two are not available any longer. We are working on drawing up plans and specifications for Murena Three. Will share details once there are any positive inputs.



I’m an investor and I have a couple of questions.

  1. If you’re working on a murena 3, does that mean you won’t be fixing the problems the murena 2 has? Isn’t it better to focus on fixing things before working on a new project?

  2. I received two emails saying the murena 2 is back in stock and I’m removed from the waitlist. The link doesn’t work and I can’t find the murena 2 on the website. Was that a mistake? Why didn’t it say that the murana 2 won’t be available anymore. Instead of giving wrong information.

  3. How long will it take before the murena 3 will come out, at what price and most importantly does it also has a kill switch?

  1. All devices that are in our support list will continue to get bugs fixed. Release of new models does not stop support for older versions.

  2. That mail was an error from the system. We were reported about this by some users. The team is working on making correction to the system to prevent such errors in the future.

  3. Specs or pricing of the new device are as yet not finalized. We will share details when there is something positive.

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Are you working together with a hardware provider this time? If not: How do you plan to avoid running into the same issues as with Murena Two?

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