Been worried about Google for years - ever since I received a “help” notification on my phone when I showed up early to pick a friend up at the airport. Instead of sitting, decided to use the few extra minutes to get some steps in. After a lap and a half along the “Arrivals” sidewalk, phone dings.
It appears that you are lost. Would you like a map of the Blah Blah Airport?
Seen the world change a lot in my 51 years. The last few have been the scariest.
That’s the usual way Google Android works as it was designed from ground up to collect even the last piece of personal data from your phone and provide a 24/7 surveillance device for Mothership Google.
The best thing is when you talk with someone about everyday issues like: “My running shoes look terrible, I really have to get new ones!” And then suddenly running shoe ads will start to pop up on the phone!
Or someone goes to a restaurant and after a lunch Google makes a message to pop up: ‘How was your experience? Rate your stay at Restaurant XY!’
Why would anyone want to own such a surveillance device? Millions still do. Anyhow, welcome to the forum.
K - Could’t the practice you describe be called “Monetizing our conversations”? That’s what I’ve called it ever since discovering the practice.
At a friends place. Talking about our plans 5 years ahead. Mentioned I wanna live in a place covered in solar panels (something I hadn’t talked about in over a year at that point). The next day, my Chrome browser has ads from companies selling solar panels. This friend had a Google Home “Smart” Speaker in her den.
At a different friends house. Sharing with them why I have to have $63,000 infusions every five months. “Because my neurologist says my multiple sclerosis will have me in a wheelchair within 10 years if I don’t”. Next day, my Chrome browser had ads from companies selling wheelchair vans.
I’ve come to terms with my MS but having Google remind me that I have a debilitating disease by placing ads in my browser and making money in the process? My apologies to anyone reading my next comments but F*CK 'EM VERY MUCH.
My body has become an enemy. It takes so much longer for me to figure things out now. The year I got it, I was working as a Full LAMP Stack Dev. I miss it. I miss keeping up with the web. I miss keeping up with what’s going on. I miss the community.
Hoping I can find answers I need here. Hoping I don’t frustrate the community with my muddled mind (things take longer to “sink in” now). Most of all, hoping I can learn enough about /e/ to help.