New MicroG 'feature'

If there is such an Api available, it will be used some days in future from government to spy on their citizen. That’s the big problem.


As suggested, I followed the link on reddit thread about this new microg component, and I found a very interesting point of view of Sati:

" What exactly does covid19 have to do with Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc? Nothing… they are tech companies, advertising companies, etc…

For years now companies like Google & Apple have been attempting to infiltrate the medical aspect of our lives. A few years ago Google were blocked attempts to store & analyze peoples DNA and for good reason too. Which is why they’ve recently turned to the “fitness” aspect of our lives. So now under the covid scare they are attempting to get their foot in the door once again.

It’s a step by step process and if we keep accepting (read: giving them power) then they will ultimately rule over us all in their digital, “big data” kind of way.

The point is that this “covid exposure” system that they’ve quite literally pushed might not be the ultimate infringement of privacy as of yet, but it’s a stepping stone in that direction if we accept it (much like the rest of the covid scare tactics)."


Each and every API included in microG can be used “in future from government to spy on their citizen”; and not in a general way like “oh, everything can be hacked” but they (specificaly GmsCore, GsfProxy, UnifiedNlp, mapsv1, Store), each and every one, give up by design some security for some functionality. It is up to you to decide what to enable if you want. Now if you don’t trust the developer that the things are off when you set them to off and you don’t trust the community and yourself to actually check and confirm the code does this what would the path you can, even in theory, walk to be comfortable things aren’t spying on you? How can you know there aren’t beside this 5+1 things you can see 50 more other scarier things nobody checked for?

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Yes, it’s true… at the end of the game you can’t trust any tool/code, except the one you made yourself;
and that could theoretically also be applied to /e/ OS, if we really want to be fussy.

But in this case we are discussing a software that, as you rightly say, renounces by design some security in exchange for some “convenient” features,
so it’s obvious that I’m worried, since my choice to use /e/ OS is just not to give up security and privacy, even at the expense of “comfortable” features that the system (read google/apple/government etc.) offers!!

I don’t want that also this /e/ OS, could at the end dirtied by some infamous market laws or command strategies, that one piece at a time, day after day, convince us that renouncing to our freedom we live better!!!

And that’s why I’m very skeptical about microg in general, and especially about this new function that is coming… and inevitably will come…



Sometimes friends of mine think I’m mad, but in fact, both business and communism (?) spying are in the same way; is it possible (technically) so 1984 style surveillance will happen.

I strongly expect e.light, without microG (that I don’t need and expect I won’t in the future, even if www is more and more googled).


An alternative would be to replace microG (GmsCore) manually:

I’m building my roms, so I can remove it easy :wink: But my main driver with banking app needs MircroG :frowning:

An activist like you should not use a banking app but the chipTAN procedure with an external TAN generator.

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I’m owning one, but I’m sooooooo lazy.


Can’t even get in to MicroG settings, the App “Settings” keeps stopping. I never liked MicroG. When will it be possible to remove default Apps?


I think microG will always be included.

I also want an answer to this question. We had promised this months ago and there is no progress on this feature. Let me check again.


Thank you for your concern, we deserve answers and real actions. It would be something basic for an OS advertised as an open source alternative giving power to its users to allow them to simply remove default apps they don’t want in the phone they own.

Please keep in mind that /e/OS is beta. Things will certainly change once the OS is stable. From my POV everything is developing quite nice.


Go to Settings > Apps > MicroG and restore data access and permissions. If doesn’t work yet, same way and wipe app’s cache.

As far as I have understood the Corona service is was implemented in the least privacy invasive way which is technically possible. No identifiable personal information is shared with anyone. If there is any reason to use microg then it is for this sake: using the available technology to support the fight against covid without compromising your privacy.
Think about the alternative: e.g. leaving your contact data at restaurants in case a guest turns out to be infected? There is no better way better privacy and user friendly way to keep track of your inter-human contacts.
Integrating this service to /e/ ist highly appreciated.
That is my take on this.


Sorry no. It’s against privacy and eOS will stay for privacy. As soon as such a tracking api is available it will used by the executive (cops). Same as they are using today the guest lists from restaurants.

  • /e/ must implement this feature!
  • /e/ must NOT implement this feature!

0 voters

Why shouldn’t those who want /e/ but without MicroG be allowed to have it that way ?

Then please explain the difference between this particular feature of microG and all the other features of a standard phone in general and microG in particular. You are always complaining about compromisation of privacy, but as far as I have noticed, you never explained how it should get compromised by an API which for itself doesn’t do anything, can be switched off and needs an App to work which you can choose to install or not. The implementation by microG would be transparent as it is open source. So why should you trust this feature more or less than any other feature of microG or the whole OS?
There is so many data that is generated by the phone in other ways: which cell you are logged in, who you talk to, when, for how long, … In some countries it might be legal for the government to access this data, in others it might be illegal, but I guess that if this data is valuable for the law enforcement agencies, in most countries they will get it in one way or the other. I can’t see which additional data the new feature generates which could be more valuable than the already existing meta data.

(And, by the way: In my point of view, a privacy-enabled feature (by design) like this one gives me back freedom instead of taking it away. The more people as possible use the App, the more the likelihood of a new lockdown gets reduced. That means, I would more likely be able to live a relatively normal life.)
I feel patronized by people who want to block inclusion of this feature without even being willing or able to explain technically in which way the implementation will compromise my privacy. At the moment the explanations and arguments are at the level of a conspiracy theory.