I figure that’s outside of the /e/ team’s control. It’s the F-Droid team that has fallen behind for some reason.
The F-Droid Build Status app doesn’t show any problems with Mull (i.e. build failures) which means they haven’t even gotten around to building the latest version.
Now, if /e/ can add additional sources to App Lounge, such as DivestOS repo, that would be cool. At the same time I’ve seen F-Droid client users in these forums not want to trust any repo that isn’t F-Droid’s own.
I didn’t check any build messages at f-droid, I don’t have DivestOS repo at f-droid, but f-droid offers newest Mull for me. I have thought only Mulch neeeds their repo.
This is just a quess, but I would say problem is that /e/ uses cleanapk for f-droid apps. At least I haven’t yet seen announcement about finally moving to use f-droid api instead cleanapk.
You didn’t reply to me (I was just quessing), but…
In generally I like to think it’s always things which argues, not people and it’s good to keep it that way. => No need to sit at the corner. slight_smile: (yep you probably wasn’t too serious about that)
We learn from each others and I’m lucky in the way I still have a lot to learn from all of you.
Just writing this, cause I’m not native english speaker & in Finland we usually go quite straight to the point. Also our language seems to lack all “please, could etc.” polite forms in everyday usage, which might turn our english sometimes bit harsh sounding too.
I think /e/os and iodéos should work together because they have the same goal. Iodéos already has a Firefox fork without telemetry and with plenty of search engines included. Firefox’s sync also works.
According to this website it seems the Number One choice of browser should be LibreWolf (dekstop) and Mull (mobile from F-droid) and Number Two choice is Brave for both desktop and mobile when it comes to the highest privacy
Besides all that it boils down to what you like/prefer. Iceraven, f.i., is my browser of choice for a number of reasons. Flexibility (extension supoort) mostly.
The guide is great. I think I linked it before in another thread but I don’t let such guides dictate what I use. I will use Vivaldi over Brave as another f.i., just because there’s something about it I don’t care for. Fingerprinting be darned.
I read some very valuable information in this page: Choose your browser carefully. Here I learned that a lot of browsers that are touted as privacy-friendly, are privacy-compromising instead.
Librewolf isn’t doing too bad, but there are some privacy issues as quoted below:
A network dump reveals that the very first time Librewolf is started it immediately contacts the Mozilla add-on CDN, Amazon Cloudfront, and several other places even though automatic updates of extensions is disabled by default.
While it is true that the project themselves do not collect any telemetry, the domains that the browser visits the very first time you open up the browser do log these requests, which - besides from timely updates - is the only problem I have with Librewolf.
As a user of librewolf and also quite a few extensions I don’t have as much of a problem with these connections although I do understand the concerns as I have the same concerns as well about background connections as i don’t want certain connections being made in the background. I mean no one wants connections that are unwanted or possibly not needed by default. I would guess that the forced connections are probably a shared trait of the original Firefox browser though. As to whether that can be patched to be prevented by the librewolf team without breaking a lot of things, that is something I do not know the answer to sadly. Oh and also I agree fully on the whole updating process as I find it very annoying. You can get an extension to make the process a little easier but I don’t think you should have to use an extension on something like that in the first place
I’ve been thinking on it more and it might be a needed connection due to every fork that I have seen do nothing to change it cause fennec and mull also make similar connections. At least my firewall reports it anyways. Either way that is really unfortunate. But also I see no browser as perfect so I can give it a pass personally. The only browser I’ve ever seen as close to perfect was bromite but even that one I believe is not close. Really I just look at it as preference at this point cause as long as it’s better than google chrome for privacy than your in the right direction at the very least