New text/SMS app: Silence or QKSMS?

It’s an opportunity for everyone if someone invests in security available to everyone but I must have the encryption keys. Neither Signal nor any government. Otherwise the owner of my data is someone else: no privacy.

In my opinion Signal is not comparable to Telegram neither for diffusion nor for characteristics and use.

Does anyone have the ability to understand if a chat in Telegram should be protected or not?
Encrypting “hi, how are you?” might not be interesting and useful for everyone.

I don’t understand the problem: everyone can choose the app he/she want and encrypt what he/she think is useful to encrypt. It seems very simple to me.

Everthing should be encrypted by default, even just a simple “hi”. If you only encrypt things that should be encrypted but not the rest of you conversation, you make it very simple for the attacker, because she/he knows than what is interesting. If everything is encrypted and like in signal afaik every message with a new key than it is very expensive for the attacker to decrypt everything. Afaik Signal also uses public private key pairs, so the private key is ours.


Why nobody is considering Silence? It’s the best opensource SMS app in F-Droid and can encrypt messages when both parties use Silence - otherwise works like plain SMS app. The only weak point are multi-recipient messages but it is rather UX quirk and easy to fix. I would never consider an app which wants to upload my phone number to the cloud as precondition for use to be privacy friendly, especially if the app is nonfree and the cloud is not operated by a nonprofit org.


I use Silence since two years and I’m always happy.
until now I disabled the other SMS-App in e.

There is a bug that prevent me from using QKSMS: if you receive an MMS while your mobile data is off, you won’t see it at all in QKMS until your turn on mobile data. With the plain sms app, you get an entry saying “you have an sms, click in link below to download it”. I wrote the author and pitifully it is not something he plans to fix (don’t remembre why).

Apart that, and the lack of accent support in contact searches (qksms distinguishes é from é, so Céline won’t be found if you enter Celine), QKMS is a nice app.

Actually there’s also some people who cares about privacy, but hates complicated tech-savvy stuff. They just want something out-of-box. These people usually end up using apple products since those stuff have better privacy control ( than stock android ROM), and what /e/ team need to reach these guys is to build a usable /e/asy installer and tell them: “plug in the phone and we will done it for you” :smile_cat: