
nextcloud-desktop from debian 12 packages is locking up during sync, so I want to simplify testing by using nextcloud-desktop-cmd, but have not been able to figure out a working command line - please help.

There seems to be a known problem where the nextcloud-desktop file sync process uses one whole processor 100%, appears to achieve nothing, does not terminate cloud sync, and has to be killed. I expect that testing sync with nextcloud-desktop-cmd will terminate, or at least provide more progress information. Also, I may be breaking the cloud sync by pushing from both ends at once. My murena cloud is still almost empty. Syncing with the nextcloud app on FP5 running Standard Android looks good. Will switch to a Murena FP5 as soon as it arrives.

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first time I heard about the package having that cli option - interesting! It pulls in lots of dependencies though.

If your goal is to get the sync done and not inquire reason for the high-cpu stall - rclone can connect to webdav and has a cli based walkthrough setup process for nextcloud - - rclone never failed me


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