Nextcloud gallery displays the same photo twice

Dear community.

On my FP4, all my videos and photos are correctly uploaded through instantupload directory. However, the nextcloud gallery displays the same photo (or video) twice. I did not found how to avoid this “background” copy.

Any idea ?


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You probably need to go to the Nextcloud settings and look for the Automatic synchronization settings. There you can finely select which files are synchronized into which folder. You might find out why you have double pictures.

Thank you for your help MaMaTT8.

On the phone, the Nextcoud setting are well configured : the pictures from the directories (DCIM, screenshots, whatsapp, etc.) are sent to instantupload directories (DCIM, screenshots, whatsapp, etc.).

On the PC browser, instantupload directories are correctly up-to-date. However, there is a folder called Photos that contains an automatic copy of instantupload pictures. Therefore, when I open Photos app on the PC (a Nextcloud app), the picture is displayed twice : 1st time from instantupload directories and 2nd time from Photos directory.

The question is : how to disable the automatic copy from instantupload to Photos directory on Nextcloud area ?

Best regards.

The problem is still present… InstantUpolad recieves photos but Photos too. So that the same photo is displayed twice ! Am I the only one ?

Best regards.

Dear community.

With the new gallery app, came with eOS 1.15, the problem is still present. All my photos are duplicated twice in Murena Gallery !

I think I undesrtand why but I do not know how to fix it.

Below is my understanding :

1/ I take a picture with my phone, at home (wifi is on, sync is active)
2/ This picture is located in DCIM on my phone
3/ Instantupload detect it, copy it, store it and send it to nextcloud because sync is active
4/ On nextcloud, this picture appears in Instantupload/DCIM but also automatically in Photos which is a native directory containing automatically all the pictures of nextcloud (why ?).
5/ At the end, Murena Gallery displays pictures from Instantupload and Photos, twice :frowning:

Please, help me !

Best regards.


Because Instant Upload is an “Easy loading method” which some users might find useful.

If you are happy with the /e/OS sync, then you are doing the job twice.

You can simply look for the method to cancel the use of Instant Upload.

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Hello dear all.

I have reviewed all the sync folders and now everything is working well. No duplication anymore.

Thank you for your help.
