Nextcloud unable to update or re-install

I had some issues updating Nextcloud so I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app. However now it won’t download a fresh install either.

I’ve tried restarting the phone but it makes no difference.

Same for me on Free Phone 3.

Same for me on Samsung s7 edge (/e/Os store).

On my device the error seems to be fixed. The nextcloud app was updated again.

I have get this case, 2 weeks before.

yesterday, it’s work, any another action on my side.

I have get similar case for install new app (opsgenie) and after launch 2-3 install : it’s works


While uninstalling an app its data’s folder may stays in Android > Data…

From Settings > Apps > xxx-app I wipe cache (sometimes data too) first, then uninstall, reboot phone and download updated app.

My two cents :wink:

It’ work after reboot :sunglasses: