No able to connect with my newly created /e/ account

Hi there,

I have just installed /e/ on my smartphone but my /e/ account is not “working” : when I try to connect to my account, it tells me that Password is incorrect and when I try to change my Password it tells me that it is not able to find the associated email to my account.

I also tried to reprocess the free account creation with the same parameters and it tells me that my account is already existing.

So what should I do ?

Hi @Alt0216 are you able to access the ecloud with your complete user name and password as in john.doe@e,email and password.

Incorrect password too …

To connect you need to use the e-mail you entered in the page. For example I used my Gmail address (my only one) so to connect to /e/ I need to use my Gmail address and not my address, you can change you e-mail used to connect on the settings page.

So finally I have been able to connect : /e/ team confirmed me that no capital letter shall be used for the email creation !

Thank you both for your help !