No more updates available and phishing mail

since e/OS1.14-20230815320612 I am no longer offered updates for my e/OS phone (Samsung Galaxy S9+). I used to be able to install updates every month. What could be the reason for this? I assume that the problem is probably my phone and not e/OS, isn’t it?

Unfortunately, I clicked on a phishing mail for the first time today, but I didn’t enter any data. Which virus scanner can you recommend or should I reinstall e/OS for security reasons?

Many thanks and best regards

The reference you give is a partial match with

At around that time this was a fix: Issues with the Updater and a solution.

Whether the OTA upgrade will still be available, I am uncertain.

Ongoing updates have certainly been published /e/OS stable star2lte download.

I tried to clear the storage but an app size of 106kB still exists. The OTA upgrade still doesn’t work. Is it because it. Is the reason because it’s no longer offered? How can I upgrade the phone on another way?

I think that is likely, you might wait and keep trying for 24 hours in case it should become available.

You should really treat the upgrade as a new install. Moving up from Android 10 (Q) it will be necessary to format data, so you should ensure important things are backed up, How to Backup and Restore an /e/OS phone.

You might try Easy Installer, Try the Easy Installer beta, or follow the the manual Command line install page Install /e/OS on a Samsung Galaxy S9+ - “star2lte”.