No notifications from Mail since update


I’ve updated /e/OS to 0.11-2020082870302 on my FP3 but since then I do not get notifications from Mail.
The synchronization seems OK, my email are retrieved correctly.
It’s just annoying not to be informed.

There is no notification options when I go to "Parameters/Apps & notifications/Mail/Notifications

From the list of last notifications Mail is listed, the notifications are ON but the option is greyed out. This leads me to think it’s managed somewhere else but I can’t find where

I’ve looked at multiple topics on these pages but I can’t find anything similar.
Any help would be greatly appreciated


I noticed this too on a Samsung Galaxy S5 (klte.)

There is already an issue in gitlab, you could comment there and add your findings.

I invite you to comment on the gitlab topic

Thanks for the info.
I’ve added my findings.