No SIM Card Occurs Intermittently - Factory Reset temp fixes

EDIT -/Changed title due to change of issue:

Ah, I just glanced at my phone and it says No SIM again. So this looks like an intermittent software issue as a hard reset fixes it. Does anyone know of this kind of issue? As I said factory reset temporarily fixes it.

Hello everyone,

I have a new Murena One since yesterday (1.20 version e/os) and it was running fine, until I noticed today that it was saying No Sim Card. I rebooted, took out sim and replaced etc, to no avail.

Did a hard reset as a last resort and its been working fine since.

Could this have been something I’ve done, like a location setting or something that caused my phone to not recognise my SIM? Don’t want to make the same mistake again!

Thank you in advance!

Ah, I just glanced at my phone and it says No SIM again. So this looks like an intermittent software issue as a hard reset fixes it. Does anyone.knw.of this kind.of issue?

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