I’m not able to boot into TWRP recovery.
I followed the user general upgrade guide which is a general description of the device specific upgrade guide for H850.
The device is on eOS 0.14 Android 7.1.2. I had flashed TWRP before and it appeared regularly, when updating the eOS OTA. It does not matter now, whether I flash a new TWRP or try to use the TWRP which may be baked into the device. Steps 5., 6. and 7. in manual. Step 8. is impossible to get through. I’m not able to get into TWRP.
- command line variant
fastboot boot twrp-x.x.x.img
does not work:
booting FAILED (remote: 'unknown command')
fastboot: error: Command failed
- Manual variant
Pressing volume button as described in Install manual, step 6 leads to Factory data reset: Delete all user data: yes/no, which is not documented in manuals.Shall I go for it and delete the user data first? Did anybody go this way and got to TWRP successfully?
I’m at the end with nerves pressing buttons. There is willpower, but there are also unfortunate quantum effects.
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