Note taking apps

For some time I was searching for a note taking app where I could integrate photos. The /e/ notes app (which is a fork of nextcloud notes, if I got it right), doesn’t offer this feature.
So I tried first Carnet, which is also part of the murena cloud. But I could never get to work the sync with the cloud. I even lost some notes. And I think it’s no longer in active development, right?
Then I found Quillpad - a true treasure! The note sync works seamlessly right after entering my murena cloud credentials, and I had access to all my previously taken notes with /e/ notes! And I can take photo and audio notes!


For syncing, server address:
Credentials: or
Password or better, if you activated 2FA, un unique app password

So if you search a more complete note app, give it a try!


You’re right: a real good notes’app.
I’m using it for a while (the only small bug I’ve met: sometimes I lost the background colors of my notes).
The sync with my Murena account is working well. Backup of the notes is also avalaible.

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Looks good, but it won’t work with my account. When I enter credentials, it hangs for while thwn displays a toast saying “Something went wrong”. Tried bith and server addresses.

Works fine with other NextCloud accounts

Oh really? It works fine for me, even with an unique app password… Did you put that method? @petefoth

No. I still use account name and password - it’s worked for me for a lot of years, no need to change now :slight_smile: