Hello! all , i would suggest to request to add this device: Nothing Phone 1
is this possible?
Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online services
Hello! all , i would suggest to request to add this device: Nothing Phone 1
is this possible?
Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online services
I’d like to know about it as well, I have purchased this phone, and I am happy with it, but I would love to switch to a more privacy-wise and secure OS. Stock Android is good with no additional bloat (apart from Google), Google is very much intrusive.
I would love this as well! Please make it happen!
I’d like if this happened too.
We need to make this happen this phone would be the perfect phone if it was compatible with /e/
Possibly support for the Nothing Phone (2) later down the line when that launches
There are a few ROMS that already support the Nothing Phone like a liniage os fork and ricedroid but there doesn’t appear to be a stable custom rom for the Nothing Phone apart from just stock android
I don’t know if the glyphs would work on anything but the proprietary ROM
+1 would be great to have it on this device. It’s smooth and fluid to use. Would be a great replacement for my now ancient z3+
I’d made an unofficial build if you want to try out
Would love to have Eos on my nothing phone,im currently running lineage os waiting on Eos
You can try my unofficial build for the Nothing Phone (1) if you like
Awesome,just installed it,if or when there is an official build will i need to reinstall it or will it come through as an update?
I dont know if this will be officially supported by Murena. I will continue to build until its officially supported.
Do you face also this issues:
I installed your newly created '‘final’ ROM via adb sideload, cleared all caches (including system apps) - your ROM runs fine, but four apps still do not work:
Notifications = Failure: no function, returns to menu
Battery = Failure message: Settings keeps stopping (!) App info | (x) Close App
Sound & vibration = Failure: no function, returns to menu
Display = Failure: no function, returns to menu
So far the only issues i have run into is the fingerprint scanner doesn’t work and there is a slight delay when scrolling through menus,i dont have any issue with notifications ,sounds or vibrations,everything in the settings has worked so far except fingerprint scanner.
I find the above quoted errors on my NP1 also strange, because with LineageOS 20.0, Lieneage20.0-for-microG and with @Mechanicman90 ~ /e/OS-T do not occur. I wonder if this could be due to different Nothing OS firmware versions on the NP1?