So, after the webinstaller brought me into FastBoot lock and I reverted to Fairphone OS, I want to give e/OS another try, either with the webinstaller or manual install. In either case, the instructions request OEM unlocking.
However, the option is greyed out, stating that the bootloader is already unlocked (which is true, as I did this to install e/OS).
Soo, my question is, can I safely proceed with installing e/OS manually or via the webinstaller? If not, how do I enable the OEM unlocking again? I am connected to wifi. I installed adb and fastboot, however I don’t get yet whether anything happens if I go into fastboot mode with the phone, or whether it is just to check on certain properties (if anyone can direct me to somewhere to figure this out, I am grateful).
I saw someone having a similar phenomenon in xda forums, but there they don’t say anything about wanting to flash a different OS.
Android version is 13 with security patch level November 5 2024.
Hi Jets, I got the unlock code ready (I already did OEM unlocking once). The problem is that I cannot toggle the button on since it is greyed out as you can see in the screenshot. Thanks anyways
Try the following: Go online, open the Updater so that the device briefly connects to the FP server - but don’t do an update if one is offered, so cancel the process. This will also synchronize the time. Then restart the device and check the OEM unlocking status.
Thanks @Xxpsilon for your help! Sadly, this didn’t do the trick, OEM unlocking is still greyed out (would have been nice if for once the easy solution works). Right now I cannot access the phone from fastboot. I get an error message no permissions (missing udev rules? user is in the plugdev group); see [] fastboot when prompting fastboot devices (interestingly enough, adb does not have any problem). But can only figure that one out next week as I will be traveling. I will therefore come back with what fastboot tells me about the device state then. Hope to have more insights then!