[OFFER] For sale OnePlus One bacon with minimal eOS-pie

Will sell my OnePlus One bacon because I have to much devices :frowning:
Will ship everywhere in Europe. Price 120 Euro + shipping costs
The screen doesn’t have any scratch.
I have installed a selfbuild eOS Pie minimal version. As you can see in attached screenshots there are only 5 apps installed. And no microG is installed.

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I like that.

Is your /e/ OS ROM microG “ready” - which means that it supports “Signature Spoofing”?

However, most custom ROMs require a patch or xposed module - so does your /e/ OS ROM?

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There is NO microG installed

I’e already understood that microG isn’t installed. Therefore I asked if your ROM is suitable for the subsequent installation of microG, so “microG ready”?!

yes, you can flash microG and all other needed services of microG project

@harvey186, may I ask you to install the tool Signature Spoofing Checker and tell us the result.

Spoofing_Checker_disabled Spoofing_Checker_enabled

yes, I will do, but later today

it’s disabled. I think it will always bee disabled as far as using eOS sources

EDIT: I have run the patch for this. let see after next build if spoofing is enabled.

If your /system/framework/services.jar file contains the file classes.dex you can start patching right-away.

I’ve already noticed that a patched custom rom had problems with the OTA update. If the option “Signature Spoofing microG ready” was integrated by default by the developer of the OS ROM, the risks of incompatibility are much smaller.

@harvey186, that please no misunderstanding arises! This is and was not a criticism of your ROM (!)

This topic “Signature Spoofing microG ready” interests me since I’ve tried this option successfully with unofficial custom ROMs from LineageOS and Havoc-OS.

no, no, it’s OK. feedback is always welcome :slight_smile:

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After applying the patch my builds are all failing. So better wait what the e-deverloper will say to your other post regarding these patch

Thanks for your time, @harvey186

I’m not one of the patching variants (either), so integrating “mircoG ready” into the source code is the more secure variant.

Have you ever checked if the file classes.dex exists in the folder /system/framework/services.jar?

If so, the patch should work. If not, some things have to be done “on foot”.

PS: If this topic sucks you, please leave it alone. I still find it exciting.
PPS: Whether this app always works properly - I’m no longer sure.