On which lineageOS version is /e/ OS based?

Is it possible to find out which LineageOS /e/ OS is based on? I don’t mean on LineageOS 17 or 18, but the exact date (year.month.day) it is based on.


All /e/ builds include a build date. The build is pulled from LineageOS and /e/ repos that day. So give or take that the build might happen overnight, that is the date.

Are you absolutely sure that there is no (or little) delay?
I’m asking because I’ve noticed a problem with aptx on my oneplus 5 that I had earlier this year with another custom rom. https://community.e.foundation/t/aptx-via-bluetooth-does-not-work-properly/35498

However, the bug was fixed shortly afterwards.
And this bug now also appears with /e/ OS.