Anyone here who already installed /e/ on a 6?
Couldn’t find a thread about it, but the 1+6 is supported…
In the install tutorial I couldn’t find info about the a/b update/install sequence, it speaks about single installation, not full a/b partition wise, looking for confirmation, am fully aware of what it actually should be.
This part I’m more curious about…
also didn’t see any info on min or max firmware version, the same for that on how to process on updates.
Yes, said I’m fully aware of what it should be, it speaks about 1 install from twrp, no reboots to twrp mentioned, nothing about from the fresh 1st install to b partition…
the info posted reflects to the procedure of a A only device.
that’s why I’m asking
Been reading all those pages and seeking half the forum for info that is full for the 6
@RaggendeHarry I have installed the enchilada version of /e/ OS on a OnePlus6 without any problem by following the official guide on GitLab.
But I won’t be of any help because I don’t know what you are talking about when you say not full a/b partition wise or nothing about from the fresh 1st install to b partition
Please let us know if you found something somewhere else about it or if you try it
Basically: boot temp twrp; flash stock room and then twrp, reboot recovery; flash stock rom again to second parition and then twrp again. Then reboot to recovery, install /e/ rom and then twrp
I spent 7 hrs trying to figure it out, until I found this indian guys howto.
The official install guide for OP6 is not correct. The Treble A/B stuff makes the process a bit more complicated since the restore partition now is part of the system partition, and it’s two of them.
Will do, in a few days I have enough time to make the switch.
Guess I can skip a large part, adb/fastboot I have had that part working for years, Googles official version from starting my pc working from every directory.
already had blu_sparks twrp installed.
think I will do my first run from OB25 firmware, got 9.0.8 firmware available on USB-C for failsafe.
also have the msm-downloaer 1+6 9.0.8 ready, so soft bricking won’t be a problem
Just had time to fully watch the video, to actually make all partitions /e/ you’d need to do the install sequence a 2nd time, then OOS is gone from both a and b.
That is actually what I thought it should’ve been in the tutorial.
I can tell for sure that the documented installation procedure for /e/ on OnePlus 6 does not work if you start from the device running under Android 10.
As various people mentioned, it is necessary to revert to stock rom (the OnePlus tool that does the job reinstall Android 8).
I actually managed to install my OP6 starting from Android 10 but it has been a journey. I shall share my instructions if useful for anybody, but I strongly recommend to start from a device running an earlier version.