OnePlus 6t wifi won't start

I have 2 oneplus 6ts and run into this occasionally if the phone is ever restarted. Usually it works fine after flashing an image, but as soon as the phone is restarted, wifi will not function. You can turn it on, and then it will turn itself off. This occasionally leads to freezes in the system UI as well.

The following is logs from after I turn on wifi in the pull-down interface

logcat | grep wifi

11-10 08:49:46.931  1243  9105 I WifiService: setWifiEnabled uid=10215 enable=true isPrivileged=true
11-10 08:49:46.931  1243  1992 D WifiActiveModeWarden: Starting primary ClientModeManager in connect mode
11-10 08:49:46.932  1243  1992 D WifiController: DisabledState.exit()
11-10 08:49:46.932  1243  1992 D WifiController: EnabledState.enter()
11-10 08:49:46.932  1243  1992 D WifiClientModeManager[unknown]: entering IdleState
11-10 08:49:46.935  1243  1992 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: android.hardware.wifi@1.0::IWifi/default
11-10 08:49:46.936  1243  1992 I WifiNative: Vendor HAL died. Cleaning up internal state.
11-10 08:49:46.744     0     0 I         : Wifi Turning On from UI
11-10 08:50:07.072  1056  1056 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi HAL start failed
11-10 08:50:07.073  1243  1992 E HalDevMgr: Cannot start IWifi: 9 ()
11-10 08:50:07.073  1243  1992 E WifiVendorHal: Failed to start vendor HAL
11-10 08:50:07.073  1243  1992 E WifiNative: Failed to start vendor HAL
11-10 08:50:07.073  1243  1992 E WifiNative: Failed to start Hal
11-10 08:50:07.074  1243  1992 E WifiClientModeManager[unknown]: Failed to create ClientInterface. Sit in Idle
11-10 08:50:07.074  1243  1992 E WifiActiveModeWarden: ClientModeManager start failed!ConcreteClientModeManager{id=48306501 iface=null role=null}
11-10 08:50:07.074  1243  1992 D WifiScanRequestProxy: Sending scan available broadcast: false
11-10 08:50:07.074  1243  2003 I WifiScanningService: Received a request to disable scanning, UID = 1000
11-10 08:50:07.075  1243  1992 I WifiScanRequestProxy: Scanning is disabled
11-10 08:50:07.075  1243  1992 I WifiCountryCode: No active mode, call onDriverCountryCodeChanged with Null
11-10 08:50:07.075  1243  1992 E WifiActiveModeWarden: One of the native daemons died. Triggering recovery
11-10 08:50:07.075  1243  2003 I WifiScanningService: wifi driver unloaded
11-10 08:50:07.076  1243  1992 E WifiSelfRecovery: Triggering recovery for reason: WifiNative Failure
11-10 08:50:07.076  1243  1992 E WifiSelfRecovery: Already restarted wifi 2 times in last 1 hour. Disabling wifi
11-10 08:50:07.076  1243  1992 E HalDevMgr: IWifiEventCallback.onFailure: 9 ()
11-10 08:50:07.076  1243  1992 I WifiNative: Vendor HAL died. Cleaning up internal state.
11-10 08:50:07.076  1243  1992 D WifiController: STA disabled, return to DisabledState.
11-10 08:50:07.076  1243  1992 D WifiController: EnabledState.exit()
11-10 08:50:07.076  1243  1992 D WifiController: DisabledState.enter()
11-10 08:50:07.076  1243  1992 D WifiController: Recovery has been throttled, disable wifi
11-10 08:50:07.076  1243  1992 D WifiActiveModeWarden: Shutting down all mode managers
11-10 08:50:07.076  1243  1992 E WifiActiveModeWarden: One of the native daemons died. Triggering recovery
11-10 08:50:07.077  1243  1992 E WifiSelfRecovery: Triggering recovery for reason: WifiNative Failure
11-10 08:50:07.077  1243  1992 E WifiSelfRecovery: Already restarted wifi 2 times in last 1 hour. Disabling wifi
11-10 08:50:07.077  1243  1992 D WifiController: Recovery has been throttled, disable wifi
11-10 08:50:07.077  1243  1992 D WifiActiveModeWarden: Shutting down all mode managers
11-10 08:50:07.299  1243  1993 W WifiDiags: could not flush ringbuffer
11-10 08:50:07.358  1243  1992 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=340, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10215 RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
11-10 08:50:07.358  1243  1992 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=340, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10215 RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
11-10 08:50:07.358  1243  1992 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=340, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10215 RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
11-10 08:50:07.360  1243  1992 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=340, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10215 RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
11-10 08:50:07.524  1243  1993 W WifiDiags: could not flush ringbuffer

Any idea on a fix? This has persisted across multiple versions, requiring a re-flash of the firmware to fix every time.

This may be a related issue from upstream. I have confirmed that for my handset, turning on Airplane Mode and rebooting does alleviate the issues, so at least there is a workaround if anyone else runs into this.

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