OnePlus - 8T - kebab - Documentation Suggestions

Install /e/OS ‘S’ on a OnePlus 8T - “kebab”

Starting point is this /e/OS documentation

WARNING: Before following these instructions, please make sure that the device is running the latest Android 12 | OxygenOS 12 firmware.

Recommended versions for the nePlus 8T that I’ve tested are:

India (KB2001_11.C.33)
Europe (KB2003_11.C.33
Global (KB2005_11.C.33)

:warning: Important! Before installing eRecovery with fastboot

Flashing compatible firmware

:warning: This device kebab requires a disabled VBMeta image to be flashed prior to booting or flashing anything custom, the process to do so is described below.

  1. Download e.g. this vbmeta.img file.

  2. Download e.g. this dtbo.img file.

  3. Power off the device, and boot it into bootloader mode.

  4. Flash a the downloaded images to your OnePlus 8T by typing:

fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img

Installing /e/ custom recovery using fastboot

Download /e/OS Recovery for dev build. Simply download the latest recovery file.

Warning: Before following these instructions please ensure that the device is on the latest Android 12 | OxygenOS 12 firmware.

The next steps according to this /e/OS tutorial

:crossed_fingers:Good success.